Greetings, it is I Gabriel
I have come to deliver a message to all who can hear me at this time. These are beautiful times in which you live. It is a time of escalation of your consciousness as well as a time of great change. You are empowered at this time to make these changes. Know this without any doubt, for you are great creators who have embodied in order to help Earth evolve. It is through you that this evolvement is taking place.
Contrary to many beliefs that are still in play on your planet, and contrary to what is in your media or often talked about, things are not as dark as many perceive them to be. There is much light that has been dispatched from the Godhead to your planet and into each individual at this time. This light serves many purposes. It awakens those whose memories are still limited in regards to themselves as divine beings of light. You have all come to make great changes for yourselves personally as well as collectively. This great light that has been generously given, comes from the Godhead to help open pathways of higher awareness within your psyches and to stimulate further remembrance of yourselves. Unity consciousness is one of the first steps in your remembering process. You are not separate from Source.
There are many components that are part of this great influx of light. One of them is an energy of stimulation that opens pathways for creating change. It alters your belief system substantially and allows you to see what is out of order in your reality. It stimulates you to then make the necessary corrections.
You benefit from this great light influx fully and completely when you observe the changes that must be made from a neutral position. When you fall into a state of judgment or great fear and concern for your health and well-being, you disturb the full benefit of the energetics that are being given to you. States of consciousness that are based in fear or judgment are all part of a fallen consciousness. They are of a third dimensional configuration. You are being asked at this time to alter that third dimensional matrix of fear, separation and judgment. The Living Light of the Godhead operates from a very high frequency. It does not resonate nor is it compatible with third dimensional beliefs and thinking. You must be aware of this dear ones, as you are called forth to create and to change your reality.
It is not my desire to dwell on the negativity that is so rampant on your Earth plane at this time. There is great fear here that is playing out as these changes are called forth. Because of the incompatibility within the energetic structures, you now see so many variations in the collective consciousness and in what is playing out in your Earthly systems. You witness great changes and alterations because many have stepped forward to assist. People in power who can make changes in the systems of government, as well as in business, are stepping up to help. You have witnessed this on many occasions. Unfortunately, many times these events get overshadowed by the inconsistencies, fear and darkness that is part of this change.
There is a Divine Plan at work here; you must see this for yourself. When you know that there is more to what is changing than meets the eye, you open the opportunity for others to see it also. The inconsistencies, as well as, much of the darkness that has played out on your planet since the fall of consciousness are being brought to the surface so that they can be transformed by the light.
Many have stepped forward to be of assistance in the most unusual places. These are enlightened beings who take on roles of everyday people who are working in your industry or your commercial establishments. Even though their jobs may be perceived as mundane, they hold love and integrity. They are very present in every moment in their environment and bring forth more light. Often, they hold the happiness and the love that has escaped many who work in such environments. Their nature and their personalities reflect great light. They add this to every environment in which they are present as they express themselves in this peaceful state. They are compassionate to others in the workplace, and they are always ready to help those who feel overwhelmed or overworked. By offering their assistance, they change and shift the environment into a more peaceful place.
These things go unnoticed, because they are so much a part of the everyday functioning in the workplace. Some of these people are very conscious of what they do, and take great pains to make sure they hold the light very efficiently. Others are unconscious of what they do. They express themselves from their personalities, and they think this is normal. It is normal for them, but for many others it is not. Whether they are conscious or not, the benefit they bring to humanity is the same.
When you are able to hold a state of awareness, you can operate in the most ordinary ways in your life and alter the collective consciousness. This conscious awareness gives you the opportunity to further magnify the light that you hold. You know that you hold light and consciousness, and will continue to hold it until all can do so for themselves. What a beautiful avenue for service! It starts at the grassroots level and grows from there. It is the ordinary people who will build the foundations for this New Earth. The vast majority of the collective of humanity lead ordinary lives, experiencing themselves and growing their soul awareness. The numbers of people in this sector of the world are great. The ordinary individual will make the changes that are required and provide others with the opportunity to follow their lead. Yes, there are those who have greater potential who hold positions of power as leaders, teachers, or way-showers. But it is the ordinary person that will make the most impact on your Earth. This is because of their numbers, and because their hearts are pure and their service is great. They serve in the most ordinary ways.
I bring this to your attention now, for you are one of these masterful individuals who play a significant role in the evolution of this great planet. You are the ones that play the vital role in this evolution of humanity. You do not have to wait for a Savior, or for someone you perceive to be more powerful or more masterful. It is you, dear ones, that will serve in this capacity.
There is no concept of “less than” in a fifth dimensional consciousness. That belief system cannot be sustained any longer, for it is energetically incompatible. You are powerful creators. You hold a mastery that perhaps you are not aware of, but which is vital in these days of change
Go within beloved, examine what is in your Sacred Heart. Allow yourself to see the love that you hold, and the light that you express every day. Most often, this goes unnoticed, and you don’t even consider that you exemplify the Divine Image. The things that you notice most often are the things that are brought to your attention through self- judgment. Many of you still operate from an old program of unworthiness. This program was brought through the genetic lineage from a time long ago, a much denser time in the evolution of man. When you take a few minutes daily to see your beauty, and to see the qualities that God created in you, you change the old program of unworthiness. You will not consider yourself less than, nor will you consider yourself better than, any longer. You will see yourself as being in unity with The All That Is.
Self -judgment is detrimental to this process that I have been describing to you. It limits your ability to see out of that denseness, and causes you to play continually in that program of unworthiness. This does not serve you. Limit the time that you spend in judgment, for it stifles creativity. It limits you greatly, and it prevents you from expressing your mastery. Many of you will say “I have no mastery.” You have mastery in many areas that you have not taken the time to notice. You have limited yourself in the judgment and in the unworthiness. It takes quiet reflection for you to notice how your mastery plays out every day in the most common of ways that continually go unnoticed.
I am asking you to make some changes for yourself first and foremost. These changes are not difficult but they will require some of your time. I ask that you take time for you, as you would so generously give time to others. Make this time your priority and go within to look at the beauty of your soul that God created. Make a commitment to notice everything in your daily life where you exhibit that beauty. Examine it from a soul perspective. Do not allow your ego to get puffed up. Know that you are Divine, not better than, nor less than. Allow yourself to shine, and to reflect your light and your beauty, because you know in your heart that is who you are. This is not difficult, but it does require taking time to notice.
As I have said, it starts at the grassroots level of humanity. It starts with the common individual. It is the individual who will make the changes that are required for themselves first, and will then exemplify it to others. You have no idea of the impact this makes on the collective consciousness. I tell you it is of great magnitude. It starts with you, every individual reading this today will be impacted, and will take my suggestions into their heart for consideration. Think of the numbers of embodied people that can be affected by this simple message. Perhaps this will give you a little idea of the impact that you, as an individual, can make on the collective consciousness. When you share what you know, and exemplify your light and love in the most common of ways, you make such a difference. It is irrelevant whether this is noticed by others or voiced to you, for they will mimic the light and love that you have exemplified.
The evolution of the Earth and humanity is impacted by the numbers that share your mastery unconditionally on a daily basis. You are creating the critical mass that is required to sweep those that are resistant and remain unconscious into making changes in their lives; whether they understand why, is irrelevant, the changes are being made.
This is how your new Earth will be created, individual by individual. Do you see the importance of the changes that you can make individually, and how the building of a consciousness takes place within a collective?
I thank you for receiving what I have offered to you at this time.
Channeled by Joan Walker
© 2013 Joan Walker, all rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this message as long as you change nothing and credit the author and website