There is a lot of chaos and disruption in your world. Much of this disruption is caused by polarized thinking as well as fear of survival on many levels. Earth and humanity are in a whirlwind of change. You are shifting out of 3rd/4th-dimensional realities into a 5th-dimensional reality. You are witnessing all thoughts, beliefs and emotional responses that do not reflect a 5th-dimensional reality. You are asked to create change in your reality by altering the way in which you think, believe, and use your emotions.
We archangels are present to assist you in this reality change. We are devoted to the evolvement of all humans as well as your beautiful planet, Earth. The first thing that we will draw your attention to is the polarizing factions that keep you operating in a separation mode. This separation state limits you in your ability to love without limit. This means loving others, but most importantly loving yourself.
You not only possess a human body that is of the Earth, but you also have a soul/spirit that is created in the image of Prime Creator. All humans possess a body and a spirit. You must focus your attention point on the fact that you are soul/spirit that happens to have a human body from which to experience life on Earth.
When you consistently focus your attention on this truth, it becomes easier to love yourself and your fellow human. There is a sacred divine strand of Source Light that is within everything that was created by the Source of your being. Allow yourself to see that spark of Light within each person. This does not mean that you will agree with their actions, especially those actions that do not reflect their Divine Light.
In these times, try to see a bigger picture of what they are showing you. Notice if they are in pain and misery. Notice if they have been indoctrinated into old paradigms of thinking that reflect separation and dominance. This gives you some understanding of what it is like to walk in their shoes. Send them Light, open your heart and love that part of them that has a spark of light that is covered over by the darkness of hate and polarized thinking.
This alone will help you step out of judgment. It will prevent you from entering into the polarized thinking that is so prevalent in these times of change. You may not be able to change this right away, but by not joining the mix of conflict, you open a path to change it. The answer here is always to draw on the love that you are and reflect it. Here again, remember you do not have to agree or condone such behavior of dark agendas. You can begin to change them just by holding your center in calmness. Your calm state will create harmony wherever you walk. When you reflect love from your heart center you change your relationships, even the most casual ones. You become the walking embodiment of a 5th dimension that is based on Love and Unity.
Do not have false expectations of your fellow man. Change is difficult for many and does not come instantly. Many of you have persevered in your transformational journey for a long time. You are just beginning to see that you must create your reality differently. Be kind to yourself and to others who are in various stages of creating a different reality for themselves. Some of them are very rigid and firmly believe that their path is the correct one. Rigidity limits their ability to see clearly any alternative actions that they might take. It is going to take these souls a little longer.
You can model behavior that will be noticed even by those who are in the densest of realities. Love creates possibilities, changes realities, and environments. Trust the power of the element of Love for it is the prime creative energy. There is no separation between Divine Love and Light. This energy operates as a creative unit.
Now let us talk about you personally. This is the perfect time to reinforce your awareness of the presence of your Sacred Heart and the presence of the Holy Spirit that dwells within you in your Sacred Heart. Your Sacred Heart holds the wisdom and consciousness of your soul/spirit. When you enter this sacred space that is within you, you access the unlimited Love and Light that is there for you from the Source of your being. Source never errors in its creations. You were created in that state of perfection. However, you do have free choice on how you exemplify that divine image and how you choose to create your life experience.
This is why we encourage you to stay centered in the loving environment of your Sacred Heart. This space is only a breath away. It is your center of peace. Take a deep breath, exhale the thoughts of the day and become very centered in the present moment each time you are triggered to get distraught. Be present in your Sacred Heart. Notice how calm you become as you take each breath consciously. This only takes a minute or two of your time and it changes how you think and create. Thoughts that reflect your soul/spirit a more easily thought. Your emotions begin to reflect this calm and loving environment. Now you can go on with your day.
Take a greater length of time each morning or evening to spend quality time in your Sacred Heart and commune with Source. Invite we Archangels to be present and then notice we always respond.
Invoke the green color codes. These codes are massive templates of a specific color vibration that was created to emanate vast frequencies of creative love. When you wash yourself with the green color codes, you alter your energetic field substantially. The green vibration heals the fragmented parts of your mental/emotional body that is troubled and in pain. These fragments are results of your inability to see clearly because of the overlay of a 3rd-dimensional energy that has created much of your environment. It is time to change that environment now. The green color code helps you to alter your reality into a 5th-dimensional expression of Love and Unity.
Love what Source has created in you. Value yourself as a creator. When you lapse into unconsciousness, bring your attention back to your Sacred Heart and immerse yourself in the green color code. Feel how healing this is. Feel the relief. Feel the peace and harmony that you feel in the presence of these immense color codes.
Use this tool often. It will change the way in which you experience your life. Most importantly, notice the changes that occur in your life. Notice how you are able to create your life consciously and in harmony.
Archangel Raphael