Greetings, it is the Collective Consciousness of the Divine Feminine.
We are present at this time as represented by Anna, Mother Mary, and Mary Magdalen.
There are continual fiery energetic cleanses that are occurring on planet Earth since the beginning of 2018. The use of the element of fire assists Mother Earth to cleanse and purify the physical, as well as the energetic environment of Earth. It is intended to show you dramatic changes that humans must create in this time sequence of Earth’s evolvement.
The energetics of the various cosmic alignments support the cleansing that is taking place within this sector fo the Milky Way Galaxy. The Earth energetics and cosmic energetics have produced an active intensity that many of you find uncomfortable. They are shaking you out of your comfort zone of complacency. Do not focus on your discomfort but on the message that these energetics bring to the Earth and humanity. Volatile energetics of change most often gets your attention.
We encourage you to allow these energetics to be present. Do not push them away or look for ways to sedate yourself through diversions of any kind. See these energetics as opportunities to create and change. See them as a way to purify the personal environment of your mental/emotional body, and use this powerful creative body of yours to make the changes within yourself and within the collective of all humans. “Be the change that you envision for Earth.”
This statement is easy to say but requires each one of you to put forth an effort and creative momentum to change the old worn out paradigm of 3rd dimension. This paradigm is one based on separation and fear. It has never served you, nor will it ever serve a Christed Being, much less a Christed Planet. This is why in recent years of your time, you see a resurgence of feminine energy. At first, it surfaced from the old separation energy which is how it was expressed for eons of time. A separated version of the feminine as superior or dominant will never serve you at this time. The energetics of a new paradigm has come to the forefront in a conscious way and gotten your attention. We are here to guide you through any mistaken idea of what the feminine energy is designed to create.
The dynamic force you see presently is one of the Divine Feminine based on the element of Love which is a powerful creative energy that brings about Unity Consciousness. The unity that is required is the unity of the perfected image of every human. This image has both the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine qualities. Each of these qualities has a creative purpose and when used in a unified expression, as it was intended, becomes a powerful creative force that will instantly make changes on all levels of creative manifestation.
These are the times for the Divine Feminine to take the lead so that the Divine Masculine can show up in its fullest expression. The presence of the Divine Feminine takes the lead, not because it is superior, but because it carries in its natural appearance the element of Love. The Divine Feminine also has a powerful dynamic vision, as well as the intuition of what is needed at any moment. The Divine Feminine provides the receptive crucible to hold the new seeds of her vision to take root. She nurtures the beginning seeds of her creation and provides the care and feeding of these seeds so that they grow and manifest as intended. As the seeds begin to take on the beginning stages of manifestation, it is time for the Divine Masculine to surface and provide what is needed to bring the creation into a manifested state.
The Divine Masculine also provides a powerful energetic of the element of Love so that the manifested creation is based in a Source Love energy. The Divine Masculine provides the precise direction that must be taken for any manifestation. This energy is forceful, yet not aggressive. It is fearless and empowered to bring into completion any creation into a full manifested state.
Every human on Earth has both the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine qualities regardless of the gender of the physical body. You have always had these divine creative qualities, but you were mesmerized by the 3rd-dimensional paradigm of separation. Now is the time of awakening. This awakening is brought to you through the presence of the Divine Feminine because this aspect of you knows the appropriate timing for the new creative force to take hold. The Divine Masculine also is present. Feel the force and demand for change.
The new era of Earth and human expression has arrived. Can you feel it? It demands of every one of you to create the changes that are needed now. Summon your unified expression of your God Source energy. Your Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energy used in a complete union is the creative force that you can put into motion now. Everything that was created by Source in the realms of the “All That Is” manifests in its perfection in this way. This is your natural makeup because you are created in a perfect Source image. You always have a choice in any manifestation that you create. Discontinue using only a portion of your creative power that you see by its gender representation. You present physical body was designed to be used to experience separation and fear. That energetic paradigm is complete. Humans have experienced it in pain and misery. It is done.
It is time now to step into a new creative energy where you can express your divinity in a unified way. You are required to create it for yourself because humans are creators in form. This is why you have come into this particular body now. Make the changes that are needed. This is your duty. Provide a beautiful expression of yourself so that you can model this to other humans, as well as to Mother Earth. You can create a precise, energetic environment of peace, harmony, and everlasting beauty like humanity has not seen since the Golden Era of Earth.
This is your perfect opportunity. All of the energetics are now positioned for your success. You are supported on all levels.
Collective Consciousness of the Divine Feminine