Greetings, It is I Metatron,
It is important that you recognize the complete template that holds the 5th-dimensional consciousness in play in your physical world. You have received many messages regarding one of these templates, the template of Love. Some knowledge of the element of Love is the beginning step that you must take so that you can enter into the beginning stages of 5th-dimensional consciousness. It was the focus of the Teachers of Light to gently lead you through the gateway of the 5th dimension by using and conveying the element of Love. Now is the time for us to express to you some of the aspects of unity consciousness.
First, you must understand that unity consciousness does not mean that all humans are alike. Each one of you came into embodiment to express your divine individuality. You were created at a soul level to express your uniqueness through the many divine gifts that were impregnated into your individual soul at a core level. These gifts are unique to you as the individual. They are to be used to create in the realms of form as the divine creator that you are. At the time of your creation, you were capable of maintaining a state of consciousness as a distinctive individual as well as being one with a massive Divine Collective Consciousness. It is through this thread that all operate in a unified field of consciousness.
When the Earth and humanity fell in consciousness, your ability to maintain these dual states of consciousness were compromised because of the density of certain dimensions. Denser dimensions restrict your knowledge of self and your ability to access all of the memory codes that are part of your energetic makeup. You are now climbing the ladder into refined states of consciousness so that you can recover your true state of being. The first step in this ascension ladder is the 5th dimension.
You began by learning about the element of Love. The element of Love is a massive creative element. It moves through your emotional body and affects it deeply. It facilitates you to be aware of a state of love and appreciation for what Source created in you, both as a collective consciousness as well as an individual. This first step shows you that you are always united in with that Divinity of The All That Is. This step impregnates you with a memory that you were created in great love. As an individual, you can never be separate from the creative element of love because you were created with that element. The beginning memory of your unity consciousness establishes itself through the Element of Love.
All humans are the greater aspect of their individuality through the element of Love. The element of Love allows an individual human to remember that every soul vibrates in the same unity of the collective consciousness of the Divine. This one opening in the memory codes enables you to know that no matter what the personality of the individual is projecting, even if it is negative, that you are still one through that Divine thread of consciousness. An individual’s thought and emotion that they are currently using are not yours. Nor do they reflect in any way your thoughts or emotions. Your thoughts and emotions reflect that part of you that is replicating your state of consciousness as the individual. Sometimes, that image was tarnished by the denser dimensions through which you traveled. Those blemishes never fully reflect your true nature. These projections are not an accurate image of the one towards whom those thoughts or emotions are directed. They are only images of fallen patterns or wounds that you absorbed from denser dimensional environments that the soul was exposed to after humanity fell from perfect consciousness.
When you can stay conscious of this truth, it will be easy for you to forgive that momentary infraction in yourself or in another. You can come back to the center of your Sacred Heart, take a deep breath and re-center your energy through the element of Love. Then you begin to exhibit your true nature as both the divine individual creator as well as the collective consciousness of the All That Is. Forgiveness and love always change any projection. There is no need to judge it good or bad; right or wrong. You see it accurately without putting ownership on any part of it. When you do not own a projection, this alleviates the creation of negative patterns and wounds. When there is no judgment, you are not tempted to take in the projection of a mental/emotional fragmentation and claim ownership of it. There is no blame of others for any personal anomaly.
As you apply these concepts to your daily life experience, notice how much easier it is for you to love your life. Notice how you can easily navigate through trying situations that would formerly keep you off balance for days. Even in times when you miss the mark after the emotions calm, you can move on quickly to restore your center of peace. Each day becomes a learning experience that shows you more and more of your divinity and your unity with all humans who are traveling a similar but unique path of transformation.
When you are consistently aware that dimensional frequencies that can throw you off balance and out of unity consciousness or they can push you further into the 5th-dimensional state of consciousness, you will be able to cultivate the presence of refined dimensional vibrations in your body and in your consciousness. Awareness always shows you the best of choices. If you have chosen poorly, choose again. Unlimited choice is the beauty of being in the 5th dimension. Any situation can be instantly changed simply by choosing a better option. Choice is your right as a divine creator. Never forget this. Continue to develop your 5th-dimensional state of consciousness so that any memory of the 3rd-dimensional state of being is a barely recognizable apparition.
Lord Metatron