Greetings, It is I Kuthumi,
You have been given information in the past several months about receiving the fullness of the Light frequencies that are available and taking responsibility for what you are creating. These messages were all designed to stimulate your awakening and move you into a 5th-dimensional reality. The Light frequencies that you have been receiving are changing you dramatically in ways that you do not fully understand.
Many of you have been experiencing a clearing in your mental-emotional body and have had to make some very real changes in the way that you think and believe as well as the way in which you choose to use your emotions. A knowing has settled into your consciousness that you cannot continue in the ways that you have formerly created your reality.
A 5th-, 6th– and 7th-dimensional awakening has settled into you. You are changing on many levels. These changes are affecting your physical body at a cellular level. Some of you are experiencing a resurgence of ascension symptoms. Know that this is a wonderful thing that is happening. Do not think of it as a hindrance, but as a movement that will allow you to operate fully in the long-awaited 5th-dimensional experience. Your body has to change to accommodate such refined frequencies that you are capable of holding and using. Your neurology is being radically changed so that you can comprehend the concepts and teachings that you are receiving. You have to be able to process thoughts from the perspective of your higher mind which is now under the direction of your Christed Over-Soul.
Your psychology also is changing very dramatically. You have altered your belief system greatly in the past few years as you discerned what is valid and what is a result of old programming that was inherited from a fragmented physical lineage or from patterns that you yourself developed to survive. The need to have a balanced emotional body becomes a primary concern. It is important that you choose from a more refined range of emotions so that you can maintain peace and harmony in your being as well as create precisely with your emotions.
These are all essential things for you to recognize now. You are no longer just entering 5th dimension, but you also are entering a multi-dimensional state of 5th, 6th and 7th dimensions. What is required of you to navigate in such refined states with proficiency? First and foremost, you must stay conscious in every moment of what you are thinking and what you are feeling. If you are not aware of these things, how can you create as a 5th-dimensional being? Notice how uncomfortable it is when you revert to an old 3D pattern. Do you judge yourself? If you do this, it only prolongs your distress. In these types of situations, it is imperative that you always be in your sacred heart. The 5th-dimensional template necessitates that you have love and value for yourself as you create because this dimension is energetically based in Love and Unity Consciousness.
Recognize that stepping from a separated and fearful consciousness of 3rd dimension into a vast multi-dimensional state is a huge shift in consciousness. This speaks volumes of what you have accomplished as you have begun to operate from your multi-dimensional state. Know that these little disruptions are only temporary. They are just small lapses, and you will quickly refocus and reposition your consciousness into a 5th-dimensional state. I assure you that this will happen from time to time so that you can continually stay aware. You will know exactly where you are by the level of discomfort that you are experiencing. The old pattern of judgment and feeling victimized or less than is no longer appropriate in the 5th dimension. These anomalies will not serve you here. They will only keep you in turmoil and distress.
Because the 5th, , 6th and 7th dimensions are based in Love and Unity Consciousness, it is imperative that you learn to navigate within these energetics. Love is a creative element. It is not just an emotion that you have experienced previously. It a powerful force when used and applied to your life experience. When you create notice how much more effective you are when you use the love element. There is ease, calmness and certainty present in your emotions. There is no push or force of any kind. This is how you can discern what frequency range that you are operating in, just by observing your thoughts and emotions in the moment. You can gain a lot of information about yourself in such moments. Try it.
Create an experiment for a few days. Upon arising in the morning surround yourself in the beautiful light emanations that are available to you. Focus and center yourself in your heart. Feel the peace and tranquility. Are you able to maintain this state as you interact with others? What triggers you out of this state, what choices have you made? Were you able to make wise choices in your creations because you remained calm, peaceful and certain? No need to judge. Just observe and take note for future reference so that you can choose differently if necessary. You may have noticed that you choose wisely and clearly see that you need to make no alterations but use this reference point as a guide. Use this experiment for at least a couple of weeks. It can alter your consciousness in a short time.
You may think that this takes you back to some beginning teachings that you previously heard and thought that you have moved on considerably since then. This is not so. Such valuable tools are still usable today and very applicable in 5th, 6th and 7th dimensions. Why suffer change when it is unnecessary? You have many tools to assist you as you ascend into more rarified light energies. These tools provide reference points for you. They keep you in a state of love and respect for yourself so that you can always know that you are not separate from the Source of your being nor are you anything but the love that you were created in. The Unity in this state of being will come automatically. You will need to do nothing but just be.
This cannot happen if you do not use some of your tools that you have acquired along your journey. These tools help you to become more observant, less judgmental and acquire the great wisdom that is within your soul. Your wisdom has always been there. It was just covered over by the denseness of a 3rd-dimensional stable program. As you now dismantle this program using the light that is available and retrieve the wisdom of your soul everything dramatically changes. Take notice so you can expand your creations and further ascend into even more expansive dimensional states. It is in your experience that you will know without a doubt. Will you take this opportunity now to recognize the vastness of your being and the creativeness that you are capable of?
Master Kuthumi