Greetings, It is I Metatron
I come to you at this time from the Realms of Light of Creation. Much has occurred over the last year of your time. There have been many changes within your consciousness, as well as within your physical body. I wish to draw your attention to these now, so that you will notice these changes more consciously and begin to use the knowledge and Light frequencies that you have acquired so that you can continue to navigate your evolvement with ease.
It is important that you maintain a state of harmony within all levels of yourself in the coming times. When there is calmness in your mental/emotional body you are able to grow your awareness of yourself as the creator of your life experience. You can choose rather than react to the influences of what is projected to you from your outside world. As you open more fully to your divine expression through your physical body, you empower yourself to take charge and create more precisely from the Love and Light that you are constantly receiving.
I would like to show you some of the changes that many of you have made over the last year of your time, so that you can have a frame of reference and hold firmly to who you are. As this great shift of consciousness is progressing on your planet, you have been required to make many changes in how you think, what you believe, and most importantly, how you make choices that best represent you as a being of Light. The fears that you once held have begun to dissipate as you have become more confident in your abilities.
Do you wonder how this came about? It is because you have become aware of yourself from a different perspective. When you are able to change your mind about who you are in this world of experience, you begin to see that you have the potential to make a difference in your world. Just by exemplifying your light through an open heart, changes happen in your personal life, in your family relationships, and within your social relationships. When you have stood in your power, you have been able to love more fully and still set the necessary boundaries that are often required. Just by making the choice not to argue or judge, you were able to stay out of conflict and hold your center of peace that is within your heart. There is a certainty that seems to flow through you. Have you noticed this?
Observe how things are different in the workplace when you hold that confidence and create solutions to problems in that environment rather than becoming part of it. When you were able to stay centered in your heart, you expressed a calmness or lightheartedness that was so helpful in helping others who might have had a bad start at the beginning of their day. Each time you have opened your heart and allowed your light to stream forth you chose to create your day from that energy.
When you make these types of choices, and then become aware that you have made them, it reinforces your ability to continue to create in this way. You are the one who makes such changes and your confidence grows, the vibration of your body changes because you hold more light and express more love.
The more that you are aware of the choices you have made that reflect your light, the more your consciousness grows. You are creating reference points that help you have less fear and more light. Even when there are times that you fall into negative habits of thinking or feeling, you are able to make the necessary changes because you have created reference points that show you more of your perfected self. This reinforces your confidence that you are a creator and that you always have choices.
Some are not able to make the changes that you have made, or have chosen not to make them. Even so, it is important that you maintain that calm and harmonious state. Don’t allow yourself to be influenced by the negativity of others who have not attained the consciousness that you possess. It is easy to access your Center of Peace, as it is only a breath away. Focus your attention in your heart center, breathe and receive the light and love that is always there. Be in that Center of Peace for just a minute or so and you can make the choices that are appropriate for you.
These are times of great clearing and change on your planet. Many are still in fear and anger, and there seems to be such chaos everywhere. Do not allow yourself to be caught up in this type of energy. Change is necessary for Earth to be raised to its original state as a Christed Planet. All of the misaligned creations have to be eliminated. Because you have a physical body you are the ones to make these changes on the Earth. When you are able to hold your Christed center and exemplify it in your daily life, you are able to make a significant difference. It starts at an individual level and then grows to impact all at a collective level.
Since Mother Earth is a conscious being, she too is cleansing and purging misaligned energy templates from her physicality. The electro-magnetic fields of the Earth have been changing because of the vast influx of Light from higher realms of creation. This is necessary so that the physical Earth can begin to reflect her Christed nature.
Many of you have been diligently working to increase the light that you hold within your body, thus changing the vibratory level of your physicality. During this process there was a lot of purging within the body and some unpleasant ascension symptoms as you changed your body to better exemplify your true nature as a divine being of Light. The Earth is in the same process. It is important at this time to create a resonance with Earth so you can support Earth and Earth can support you with her energies. When you make this connection on a conscious level you establish a unity within the physical world, between the powerful energies of the Earth and the powerful energies of light within your body. In this grand resonance, such a crescendo of light energy is created that the energetic templates of the Earth and the physical body shift into a higher dimensional function and the vibration of both is greatly enhanced.
Choose to be a part of this grand creation by staying centered and aware. Don’t allow yourself to be drawn into any of the chaos of change because others choose to resist their true nature. Between now and the close of 2013 humanity has the opportunity to create such an embodiment of light by joining together in unity. When you do this you will create more changes so powerfully in 2014 that it will amaze you.
Lord Metatron
Archangel Metatron
Archangel Metatron is a vast being of Light who sits at the Godhead and oversees all realms that have form. He not only is an enormous presence in the Archangelic Realm, but also is a Lord of Light who has great stature within all of Creation. Lord Metatron walked the Earth in the embodiment of Enoch and also as Thoth. He created and also transmits great frequencies of Light that are used create realms of form.
Earth fell to the third dimension after many creator gods created anomalies within the energetics of form. This occurred because they had chosen to create from their own power rather than creating from the original schematic that had been designed by The All That Is. When Metatron returned to the realms of the Godhead he was given the task of overseeing all the realms of form in the outer regions of creation. Through his great presence and radiant light frequencies, all the fallen realms can be returned to their original state.
Metatron’s great power and light enable all those operating in the outer realms of form to open their hearts and consciousness to embrace their original state and ascend into their former elegant unity with The All That Is.