Greetings, It is I, Ariel,
I am here to present some information that will be helpful to you in these evolutionary times. You have come to participate, and assist in shifting a planet as well as shifting humanity out of the dense reality of the 3rd dimension into a more fluid yet unity-based reality of the 5th dimension. One of the key fundamental aspects of this transformation must come from changes that you consciously make in your relationships with others and most importantly in your relationship with yourself.
Many do not realize that altering their relationship with themselves shifts their state of consciousness. When you realize that there is such a thing as a relationship with self, it allows you to become much more conscious. In order to have a more expanded awareness of whom you are, you must first cultivate a knowing of yourself that is not predicated on the opinions of others, or any defined image of yourself that is derived from your job, family, or social state. When you know yourself as a Divine Being who is having an individualized physical experience, and that you are unique and whole unto yourself, you can live your life more completely and without restriction.
Thus far, you have experienced yourself from a dense 3rd dimensional matrix of separation, fear, and unworthiness. But more Light is now being transmitted from the realms of Prime Creator and your environment is changing. This enables you to know yourself from a different state of consciousness because you have this Light available to you that is now within the Earth, and you also have a substantial amount of Divine Light and Love that is within you and in your Sacred Heart. You have already made some shifts in your awareness because you have stepped out of the 3rd dimension and moved into the 4th dimension. The 4th dimension gives you many more choices and opportunities to see yourself differently. Now, you can see opportunities to make wiser choices, and because of this you are not in reaction as often.
Begin to look at some of your positive qualities that you express unconsciously every day. Some of these might be courage and tenacity to continue in the face of difficult circumstances; the ability to see the bigger picture in a situation rather than react to it; compassion for others who are acting negatively or inappropriately; listening to someone who needs a friendly ear; or offering a smile and a hello to someone that you don’t know. There are many more that you can uncover when you pay attention. This observance builds an acceptance of self that is confident because you have begun to know yourself as worthy, simply through the presence of love. When you can begin to notice all the parts of you that are creative, kind, and knowledgeable, you can begin to drop some of the negative judgments that you hold about yourself. If you do not value, love and accept yourself, you will have difficulty in all your relationships. You will only see others’ failings, instead of their qualities, as they will mirror to you what you believe about yourself. You can only have understanding and compassion for others if you have understanding and compassion for yourself.
When you have fragmentation in your emotional body that produces feelings of unworthiness, and your self-talk reflects these feelings, it affects your ability to receive love from others.This further translates into all of your relationships because of your inability to have compassion and give love and accept others as part of the vast collective consciousness. There is a gap in these relationships that is caused by your incapability to know love.
It is important for you to realize that the quality of all your relationships is dependent upon the quality of your relationship with yourself. This includes your ability to love yourself and your ability to value who you are in this lifetime. Your self- talk reflects a deep unconscious belief that you have about yourself. Be very aware, beloveds, of the dialogue that goes on within you. If the dialogue is consistent with love and value, then you will begin to create this in your life experience and engage in relationships that are loving and valuable. If the dialogue that you engage in with yourself is full of judgment, mistrust and fear, then your relationships will also reflect this. There is a state of consciousness that you must attain in this ascension process as you evolve into the coming Golden Age. You must know yourself as love, created in the Image of Source, and because of this, you have great value. When you can hold this consciousness, your life reflects it. You know within the core of your being that you are a reflection of the Divine, and as such you are whole and complete unto yourself. You are not dependent on another or any relationship to complete you. When you have established this unity consciousness within yourself, you see very clearly that you are not separate from another, and everyone is part of a grand collective consciousness that can operate as individualized expressions of their divinity.
Now, let us explore the relationship that you have to family. Family members are an integral part of your support system, and if these relationships are fragmented through a separated consciousness, you will feel isolated and alone. Separation consciousness comes through your genetic lineage and is based in fear of survival. This patterning has been taught to you. The concept of having no value or of being a victim is continually programmed into the collective consciousness by lineages that believe, exemplify, and teach this. Generation after generation is impregnated with this 3rd dimensional template of separation. It is time now to change that programming, and when you change it for yourself, your family relationships also begin to change because you have begun to use the element of love, which is unifying.When you can stay out of judgment of your family lineage and begin to value what your lineage has brought to you, these relationships become more harmonious. In order to see the value in your family lineage, you must see some of the positive traits that they brought to you, such as tenacity, creativity, and resourcefulness.
Family oftenreflects to you a mindset and belief system.If you have found great difficulties in these relationships, know that they were ones that propelled you into searching for a different state of being, and a different state of consciousness. You had to discover what is truly you, and what belonged to another in your family. Those of you who came into families that were loving and supportive find these relationships invaluable, because no matter what difficulties arose in your life, these family members stood by you, supported you, loved you and were invaluable in allowing you to explore different aspects of yourself, even when it was painful. They were the ones who through their support, and their physical presence, showed you the way back to love.
Families are not all perfect or all bad; they are a rich combination of perfection and imperfection. The vast majority of family relationships have both aspects involved in them. These relationships reflect back to you when there are misalignments, and if you can approach it from this perspective, instead of judgment, you can see and use what is being reflected to you.You can reflect back to them love, respect, and support. When you reflect fragmentation and separation to them there is a disturbance within the energy and within any communication that is possible. When you reflect your true nature as a being of light, the communication changes, and the energy is smooth and become comfortable.
Stay out of self- judgment, such as thinking, “I haven’t done enough, I haven’t been there to assist; and I must change my brother, my sister, or my cousin’s life.” It is not your responsibility to change anyone’s life; it is their responsibility. They are in charge of creating their life experience. Do not have unrealistic expectations of yourselfor unrealistic expectations of another. You cannot change another’s creation. You can model a different perspective or a more loving example. When you take this into consideration, you remove much of the friction and the fragmentation that occurs in your relationships because you begin to have the consciousness that when you are expressing love, value and support without judgment that is all that is needed. This consciousness is greatly needed in your interaction with family members, friends, or acquaintances in your work environment. These relationships can be greatly affected by your ability to be the light and love that you are.
When you change your relationship with you and then extend that out into all of your relationships, you alter the consciousness of humanity, because you are part of humanity and in unity with it. This process may appear to be ineffective because of what you see in your external world, but I assure you that it is not. As you model a better way to be in a relationship, others will notice and follow. Do not be swayed by the media, as this does not represent the many who are exemplifying a different state of being. You are unaware of the many people who are leading ordinary lives and are also shifting and changing in the presence of love. The media only report the extremes that will get people’s attention.
Earth’s grand shift will happen through intervention at the individual level first. It is in your hands, each one of you. Change yourself and you create the energy, which changes the world. Be who you are as a divine individual image of Source and allow you’re light to create a new environment from which humanity can experience itself in unity.