Greetings, Beloved Ones, It is I, Yeshua,
Many who are embodied on Earth have such difficulty receiving love for themselves. This is due to both the denseness of the body as well as the denseness of the reality in which most of the collective operates. Because the body is a dense 3rd dimensional vehicle, your ability to receive the fullness of the unconditional love that is always given by Source is limited. But it can be done if the mind and the heart are opened just a little.
Receiving even a minute increment of this vast love creates openings for great change. This great change begins to take place on a very personal level as it infiltrates within each individual to allow an opening to see themselves differently. Third- dimensional energetics creates templates of separation, fear of unworthiness and fear of survival. These templates greatly obstruct the ability of anyone embodied within this type of vehicle to consistently receive the fullness of love that is given.
When I walked your beloved Earth as a teacher and a way-shower, my primary focus was on this exact thing. Many could not receive what I had to give. Many could only hear portions of what I was communicating. Now things are changing exponentially because of a shift in consciousness, a shift into a 5th dimensional state of being that is very fluid, very open, and based in love and unity consciousness. This dramatically alters how you receive love energetically, as well as how you use it and transmit it to others. The basic concepts of receiving love remain the same: be willing to open your mind, and open your heart to you. For are you not as valuable as your friends, or family, or other humans? If you cannot answer Yes! of course I am!, then you must go within that heart of yours and examine what your thinking and your beliefs are in this regard. You must be willing to alter these so that you can receive in full what is always offered.
One of the concepts I taught when I was embodied, and which has been written correctly is that my Father and I are One and we are never separate. Many heard that and did not understand, but they knew within their heart that it was a significant statement. No person embodied can ever be separate from the All That Is, which is the One I call my Father. Let me explain why I use that term. My Father and I are One was designed so that the culture of the times could understand at a physical level. That culture was a patriarchal system, so the son and the father were very much of the same mind set.
Now, because of your conscious awareness, you are able to expand that by incorporating it into a much broader concept of God, as opposed to the archetypal image of a separate father figure. You must also be willing to embrace and embody the concepts that you are made in that Image of Prime Creator, and that you are always a part of the Godhead. Be willing to change any belief or teaching that is in opposition to these facts. This is a requirement for you to be able to access your Sacred Heart and to receive for yourself that magnificent love that is given unconditionally and in great abundance.
If you hold a belief that you are unworthy and incompetent, and are afraid of being intimidated, you will see these beliefs reflected in your relationships with others. You will be suspicious of their motives and suspicious of others in general. You will not be able to connect at a heart- to- heart level because you can only see the image that you have created within yourself. You see others from this same belief system because you are one with all humanity. You cannot be separate. If you believe these things about you, you believe them about others, and your interactions with all are based on that belief.
Alteration has to take place first in your own belief system. You have to be willing to alter it. The first step is to go within your Sacred Heart and receive what is available to you. Begin to experience what it feels like within your Sacred Heart. You are an energetic being of light, and when you go within and access the energies of love within your Sacred Heart you can feel this through your emotional body. Feel the peace and the harmony that is within that energetic vortex. You will begin to change your mind a little more. This is a fact, and it is a very important tool.
Change has to come from within; from within your thought system. It has to occur within your emotional body and that feeling part of yourself. It is through willingness to let go of old thoughts, beliefs, and everything that you have known thus far about yourself.
You must also be willing to see that others are a work in progress and that they too have some anomalies that they are working through. It doesn’t mean that you should distrust them, but that you learn to see a more complete picture of them. When you enter your Sacred Heart you are able to discern where there must be boundaries within your relationship, because they are evolving as you are. When you set up boundaries in love, you do not sweep inconsistencies or downright violations of universal law under the carpet. You simply see them clearly and react appropriately, not in anger or judgment. You see them for what they are and you act very appropriately in love from your heart.
As you observe their potential through an open heart, you also see that their ego demands they pump themselves up either because they believe themselves to be unworthy and less than, or because they have fears about survival. As a result of this, they may brag, or they may be secretive and try to undermine another’s ability because they are fearful that they will be seen as inept. Respond in love when you observe this. Be careful in your communication with them so that there is no misunderstanding, and there is clarity in what you say. Support them when they are aligned with their soul essence. When they are exhibiting their fragmentation, send love and light, but distance yourself by moving away not participating with them in their fragmentation.
The focus has to be on a personal level with what is going on with you, and what your own daily thoughts and beliefs are. When you relate the concepts of receiving love within your Sacred Heart to you, on a personal level, you change your beliefs and your actions. This affects the whole of humanity at some level. It changes the consciousness of you as well as every individual you interact with.
So many of my teachings have been misrepresented, such as turn the other cheek. When I said turn the other cheek, I did not mean to allow the injustice or to become a victim of it, but to turn the other cheek and see the situation more clearly, and how to respond to it from the center of your heart and the wisdom of your soul.
The cultural belief system on your planet is based in survival. You do not understand the energetic power around such programming. A “survival of the fittest” thought system carries over into every part of your life. It carries over into your workplace where it is a dog eat dog world, look out for number one, and do unto others before they do unto you. This survival and fear energetic was very real at certain times in your evolution when there were events on the planet such as an ice age, great floods, volcanic eruptions and massive destruction where many lives were lost. The loss of life and the need to survive is so ingrained within the memory of the body as well as the actual physicality of humanity, that it is a difficult experience to let go of.
You can change these beliefs and imprints by working with them at a personal level. Be open to receiving for yourself even when everything that you know is in opposition to this. “It is better to give than receive” how limiting to your spiritual growth is that belief? If you will not receive the love that is being offered, you will be unable to change some of these old belief systems around survival and unworthiness. For it is only in love that humanity can step fully into a 5th dimensional energy. All of these old imprints have to be released from the belief systems and the memory codes that are within the cellular systems of the body have to be removed so that the fear of survival and the attachment to the body are released. Discernment then comes into a more viable placement within the Sacred Heart where you create a response to what is in your life experience from the wisdom of your soul and the love that is within your Sacred Heart.
If you do not receive the love for yourself, how can you extend it to others? It starts with you. It is not impossible; it just takes reawakening the essence of love that is within your Sacred Heart. I have come to support you as you make these changes through the great love for you that is in my heart.
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