Greetings, It is I, Anna, Grandmother of Yeshua,
I have come forth from the celestial realms of creation to be with humanity at this time of your evolution. I bring forth the archetypal image of the matriarch. It is important for all to recognize power and the creative impact that each and every one of you has on your world. I am here to present the image of a Divine Feminine matriarch, not separate from, but in complete alignment and partnership with, the Divine Masculine. Be aware, beloveds, this is not gender related. It is an energetic template from which all who are embodied at this time must operate. There must be balance within your creations.
I have come to expand upon the very direct and powerful message of Archangel Michael that was delivered to you. It was designed to awaken the creativeness within each and every one of you, so that you might be aware of the power and potential that you hold. When you consciously make the changes that are necessary, the Earth can support the new multidimensional template as it is expressed through your body into the realm of form. The message relayed was a powerful one. It was not restricted to a specific timeframe, although a timeframe was mentioned. There is great potential for creating differently, and it is not hampered by linear time. It is important for each individual to hold this message in their awareness, because they can make such a difference as they create a powerful influence of a critical mass of conscious awareness on the Earth.
The time sequence of linear-time-space that you now perceive is falling away, and you have begun to see this clearly. At first, it seemed as if time moved so quickly that there was not enough of it for your use in creating. This linear time of past, present and future is no longer useful in your creation. It’s time to step into a fifth-dimensional time sequence that is more circular in nature and very fluid, because it does not have the restrictions of past or future; it only has the present moment. This is important for you to recognize. Be calm and adaptable in your perception of this new time sequence. You can use it to your advantage as you create. When you are able to stay fluid in your creation without limitation or restriction, you can create more effectively. The fifth dimension has no limitation, just continual options, choices, and creative opportunities. It is important for you to consciously recognize the advantages of the circular, fifth-dimensional time sequences that are now available to you. This time sequence enables you to move out of the restrictions of limitations. It propels you into more creative opportunities and allows you to make continual changes and alterations to your creations, thus stepping into an even more unlimited reality.
The message concerning time alterations is important for you to recognize, as it is very much a part of creation in form. The use of time is directly related to a state of consciousness. When you are in a third dimensional consciousness that is rigid and restrictive, you create from a linear perspective and this limits your ability to manifest what is needed in the present moment. You constantly use past experiences as a reference point in hopes of changing that in the future, and you are unable to accomplish this because the present time of creating is unavailable. Your creation is based in the past and re-creates the past experience. As you step into the fifth dimension, which is very fluid and unlimited, your ability to stay in the present moment and create more effectively becomes available. This is where you find yourself today. You are entering a fifth-dimensional state of consciousness and so many doorways are now open to you.
One of these doorways that I wish to explore with you now is that of the balance between the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine, and the power of that energetic template. This template is of the Godhead, where there is complete balance within creation. I must emphasize that this template it is not gender-related, but is energetically sound. When Michael presented his message to you, it was from a Divine Masculine expression, and you could feel the power of this message. It was direct and concise, but most importantly it propelled you into a different state of consciousness. It gave you the opportunity to create differently. This message also contained the influence of the Divine Feminine because it had a fluid energetic flow and helped you to step into the unlimited possibilities in your creation.
I have come at this time to present a powerful feminine perspective. I show you a portion of the Divine Feminine with a reference point that you are familiar with—that of the matriarch. This matriarchal image is wise and powerful. The power comes through the wisdom of the matriarch. It represents the Divine Feminine of that aspect of the Godhead that is fluid and creative. This Divine Feminine holds the wisdom of the ages and brings it forth into form. It also brings forth the creative impetus that is unlimited. It flows in a very circular, yet wavelike manner and it shows the unlimited potential of creation. The Divine Feminine has no restrictions because it is not based in any linear time- space configuration. It is too fluid and circular, so it contains no limitations. When the Divine Feminine is merged with the Divine Masculine, which is more direct and assertive, it then contains a different expression. When you have this balance in your creation, your creation is wise, unlimited, and fluid as well as being direct, assertive, and powerful. This is important to recognize as you create in form. Form holds a denseness that can be restrictive if this balance of Divine Masculine and Feminine is not utilized. This is what you experienced in the third dimension in the last eons of your time. The masculine influence in creation expressed rigidity, power, and aggression from linear time- space concepts. There was no balance here, and it greatly hampered your ability to create outside of that rigidity because there was no influence of the feminine.
As you enter the fifth dimension, and begin to create from a more balanced positioning of the Divine Masculine and Feminine, you will begin to see more clearly that the energetics within your creation are much different. When you have balance in your creations you are able to create in the present moment effectively. The fear of the past or of what the future might hold is not present. In this circular movement of time, and the energetics of the fifth dimension, you are only able to create in the present. This is the energetic template that is present for you to create in. If your creations represent rigidity, fear or separation, you know that you have reverted to the unbalanced templates of the third/fourth dimension.
I have come forth from a very refined area of creation to assist humanity. It is my desire to hold this matriarchal image in the most expansive way, and to give you direction on how to bring a more balanced energy of the Divine Masculine and Feminine into your creations. There are two other aspects of the Divine Feminine that are important for you to recognize. One is the mother image, which is very much a part of creation. This image also is very fluid, circular and unlimited in its energetic template. Within this template of expression, there are the energetics of compassion and love that are also part of creating from a multidimensional state of being. The maiden is the third perspective of the Divine Feminine energetic template, and it represents innocence, openness, and intuitiveness. All three of these perspectives operate within the Divine Feminine and are not separate from each other. You can see the importance of having the Divine Feminine energetic template in perfect balance with the Divine Masculine. As you create with this balanced template of masculine and feminine, you have all that is needed to create powerfully and effectively and yet peacefully and harmoniously.
In the creative template of the fifth dimension, all creators—every one of you—are able to create from your individualized divine expression in a balanced way. The gender of the body is irrelevant within the creative energetic template. Those embodied in a male body are able to use the divine feminine template and also use the masculine template to express themselves. Even though they have the power of the physical body, it becomes tempered by the influence of the feminine perspective. The masculine expression remains and is never usurped by that feminine influence, but it is enhanced by the willingness to bring balance within the functioning of the physical body. Those who have chosen the female body type will be greatly served by accepting the influence that the Divine Masculine brings in their creative process, because it is a more direct expression and a quicker manifestation. One is not better than another, but it takes both aspects of the Divine Masculine and Feminine to be present in order to create effectively. When there is this balance, there is no rigidity, and there is less opportunity to create from any limitations of fear.
There is no weakness within the creative process when there is such balance. There is a dynamic flow of energy that is present at all times. This allows you the flexibility and the power that is necessary to create within worlds of form from a higher dimensional perspective, as well as from a multidimensional expression. You are able to create fluidly with opportunity for change when needed, or you are able to stand firmly in your position and create the boundaries that are needed, so that the issue of power can also come into balance. There is no dominant factor present in this energetic template. One does not usurp the power of another or victimize another. There is peace and harmony in this type of creation. You are able to use your power to express your divinity in a bodily form on Earth.
This energetic template will be an integral part of your creation. It is important for you to recognize this, and to begin to utilize this template now. The opportunities that will affect the collective consciousness of humanity are available now. Truly, you can create the critical mass that is required to bring the fifth dimension into the reality of Earth, fully and completely. You are the beloveds who will create Heaven on Earth. You will bring Earth back to its original configuration of a Christed planet. The Christed matrix of Earth is in perfection. It is in complete resonance and balance with the Godhead with no limitations, just creative flow so that each individual soul has an opportunity to express themselves from their divine image. The new era is not in your future, but it is in the present moment, now.
I thank you for receiving me. Take what I have given into consideration. Access the wisdom that is within you as you play in this balanced energy that you are bringing forth on the Earth plane at this time.
Anna has been known as the Mother of Mother Mary and also the grandmother of Jesus. She was a valuable asset to the Essene Community in the time of Jesus as a wisdom holder and teacher. Anna was originally from the star configuration of Sirius and took embodiments on the Earth in ancient times, first in the times of Atlantis and then in ancient Egypt. As a wisdom-holder and teacher, she came into embodiment during those times to hold some stability within a falling consciousness.
Anna ascended as the great Essene teacher in the times of Jesus. She ascended into a great realm of collective consciousness, called the Celestial Realm, which is part of the Godhead. Since that time she has remained in anonymity amongst this great collective consciousness. She was called forth from this realm by the Godhead to assist in the ascension of the Earth. Rather than taking on a bodily form, Anna chose to be of assistance through various channels of communication.
As you can see from this channeled message, she has much wisdom to share and many things to teach us. She now resides on Sirius so that she can be in closer proximity and communicate more consistently with us.