Greetings, it is a I Mother Mary,
I have come to be with you at this time of great change. We are embarking on a time that will push humanity’s consciousness forward substantially. The impetus for this alteration of humanity’s consciousness comes through the many light frequencies that have been sent from the celestial realms of the Godhead to assist humanity in these most auspicious times. Those of you who pay attention to various astrological alignments can see without any doubt that these are very special times. Humanity is being asked to step up and step out of all of the anomalies and the densities that hold them back from seeing their true nature and their beautiful light.
Some may perceive these energies as being very intense and difficult, because they impact your mental emotional body. Your mental and emotional body is a very powerful part of your being; it brings your creations into form your creations your thoughts and your emotions. Make no mistake, beloveds; your emotions are a very powerful part of you. Some of you find emotions difficult, because in past experiences you have known great pain. You have been unable to step out of that level of density of feeling the pain of separation and negativity, so you reject your emotions and refuse to feel anything. This only keeps you in the denser realms of a 3rd dimensional consciousness. Because of your fear, you feel nothing, there is blankness within your emotional body and you miss the sweetness of life. You then turn to addictions to fill the void with a substance or a relationship that you think will make you complete.
Those who suffer from this anomaly must change their minds, embrace their emotions and think about them differently. Summon your courage and embrace your emotions, as they help you create from the love that is within your Sacred Heart. The compassion and wisdom that you access from this part of your being is available to you because of the presence of The Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is part of The All That Is and you can access this Divine Presence in your Sacred Heart. In this sacred space, you begin to remember who you are as a being of light, and begin to see that you have a wisdom that you can draw on.
Allow yourself to open just a little to using your emotions. When you use your emotions consciously, you feel them from a mid-range that is positive and based in love and acceptance. You will begin to see some fruitful results. As you experience these positive emotions, observe how powerful they are and how they change your thoughts as well as your life experience. When you allow yourself to step forth from your Sacred Heart with the assistance of the Holy Spirit, the wisdom that resides deep within you begins to surface and be made useful in your creations. In order to manifest what is needed, while you are in a body, you must use your mental and emotional body consciously. Your thoughts, coupled with an emotion, create and manifests in the world of form. When you understand this process, you will be willing to use this very powerful part of you more consciously.
Use the love that is within your heart and accept that love for yourself, first. This is necessary for you to remove the old template of the 3rd dimension that has kept you from seeing your value, because it only allows you to see that you are unworthy and separate from your Source. Use your mental body and your thoughts to stay on track. Keep your thoughts positive so that you are motivated to continue and begin to see your world from a different perspective. See your world as a beautiful place to experience your soul at a physical level, and when you are tempted to fall into fear or negativity push it away. Go to your heart and ask for my help. I will be there to flood your heart with the love from Source, from my heart to your heart, so that you can shift very easily out of that negativity.
These two parts of yourself, the mental and the emotional body, are crucial in your ability to navigate the next two months and the remainder of this year with greater ease. The energies are such that they bring forth any negativity as well as any anomalies that are still in need of repair and change. Do not push them away, but see them clearly as left over states of consciousness that are fragments of the 3rd dimension. These fragmented states of 3rd dimensional consciousness are still hanging on and need to be both thought about, as well as felt, differently. Summon your power to alter them, and see more clearly that you can never be separate from your Source nor can you ever be separate from any of the realms of light.
Many have gathered in the ethers of your planet to be of assistance for guidance and to hold you in great love. The Ascended Master Realm, the Angelic Realm and all realms that are attached to the Godhead stand ready to support your Ascension. These last two months of your year are very important times of change. As you make these changes, even at a very basic level, you allow yourself to step out of the fear that has held you in such a tight grip. You will begin to see that you have a voice and that you have hope, because of the unlimited potential that lies in front of you. You have the power to make substantial choices for change, and you can voice your opinion for the need for change. We have been encouraging you over the past many months to use your voice and to gather together to effect a change in your world, in your government, in your social economic system, and your businesses. Most importantly you must make changes within your educational system, so that these beautiful new fifth dimensional souls coming into embodiment at this time can be supported by you. You can direct them in ways that help them negotiate life in a physical body from a much different perspective than when you began life on this planet. They have come to make the changes that you have been unable to make. They will follow your lead as you exemplify first, a 5th dimensional state of being, and then a multidimensional state of being.
You will show them a reverence for life and all those embodied on this planet. You will show them a reverence for the planet itself and for the opportunities that the Earth affords all those embodied to live and navigate in the realms of physicality, expressing their soul precisely. You have the power. You just have not recognized it. These energies, even though you may perceive them as quite intense and difficult, are designed to help you step more firmly into your multidimensional state of awareness and into your power to create. These energies will propel you into the Ascension process and allow you to see yourself as a multidimensional powerful being of light. You came to assist this Earth to raise her consciousness and to raise the consciousness of humanity. These things must be attended to during the remainder of the days of this year of 2013.
The coming of the new year of 2014 will bring more change, but also great creativity, as well as many possibilities for you to create your new Earth. Many of you have worked diligently over this last year to clear away anomalies and to stand firmly, using your voice to say no more war, and no more poverty. We are now asking all those who have not yet stepped forward, to step out and acknowledge your divine essence, acknowledge that you have come to hold a template of resurrection. Join with others and express your light, your mastery, and exemplify your Christed nature. As you attach yourself more firmly to the Christed Matrix that was returned to the Earth and to humanity in 2012, you will begin to operate from that matrix more effectively. It is not what you say, but it is who you are. When you hold that example proudly, exemplifying your Christed nature and exemplifying the love in your heart, many are served.
Through your energetic field you affect the energetic field of the Earth as well as the energetic field of all those you come into contact with. Stay consciously aware of your true nature and stand firmly in self awareness. Do not allow anything to interrupt the flow of your Christ Light. Do not put yourself in situations that will be detrimental to your ability to exemplify your Christed nature, such as social events that are in opposition to your true nature, reading materials, Internet, or television programs. Be very discerning about what you allow your physical senses to take in. When you see or feel that an environment is in opposition to your nature as a Christed being, remove yourself from it immediately. Disengage from relationships that are toxic and fraught with anger or fear and diversion. Separate yourself from those beings who are out of alignment with unity or love, and who have yet to come into their own sacredness. It does not help them when you are unable to hold your light because of their influence.
Focus on those things that you know are happening in love, such as the love that is present in some of the small groups that you associate with. Look at the subtle changes that are happening in your neighborhoods, in your towns and cities. Observe how people are changing their minds and becoming more compassionate by responding quickly to anyone who is in need of assistance, whether it be from natural occurrences or accidents that happen. Through your love and compassion, you can help many to make beneficial changes in their consciousness. Through your assistance there will be more ease in the new energies of 2014. This New Year will be productive and creative.
Focus on who you are as a divine being of light and allow yourself to have quiet time to rest within your Sacred Heart so that you can find your courage, your power, and your love. When you connect with me, or any of us that you feel a resonance with, we will be there to support you. Be very discerning in the coming days, stay out of judgment and blame and begin to see constructive ways of making changes.
Gather together with others of like mind so they may join with you to effect change. You are an integral part of this Ascension process, for you are the ones in physical bodies and in the end, you are the ones that must create the changes. You are the ones that create the Ascension.
Thank you for receiving me. I am with you always and I hold you in great love, heart to heart.
Blessings, beloveds,
Mother Mary
Mother Mary
Mother Mary is well known in Christian Religious Circles as the Mother of Jesus, but she is so much more than most people realize.
Mary was a very evolved being who was created within the Celestial Realms of Creation. She was called forth many times throughout the history of Earth to assist embodied beings to maintain their high level of consciousness. As Earth’s consciousness began to fall, it was even more important for elevated beings of light to be present to help maintain higher consciousness on the planet.
Mother Mary had lives in Atlantis, especially just prior to as well as its decline. When Atlantean consciousness began to fall below the 8th dimension, Mary traveled to Egypt with Thoth and many others to set up an outpost in that part of the world. Temples and universities were built to begin to hold some of the documents that were kept in the Atlantean libraries.
Mary was an active participant in the temple of Isis. She embodied within an Essene community and was chosen to be the mother of Yeshua. When she very young she was sequestered within the walls of the Isis Temple so she could be educated and prepared for her role as the mother of a great teacher and avatar. Her only contacts with the outside world were the high priests of the temple and a hand-full of very wise teachers. She has always been revered by the Angelic Realm because of the purity of light that she holds, and Archangel Gabriel was given the position of her guardian and companion throughout her childhood.
Mother Mary has always had a great love for humanity and the Earth. After she left the physical realm of Earth, she continued to be a valuable presence to guide and support humanity, so that we could evolve and return to our original state of consciousness.