Greetings, it is I Mother Mary,
New beginnings have begun! Many are unsure of how they will negotiate the changes that have already begun. Know that you can contribute much to the changes that will certainly take place. You have awakened significantly over the past five years of your time and are prepared to hold and exhibit a light pattern that is needed now. As humanity creates the new beginning paradigms, you can be sure that these foundational pillars contain massive light energies that support a 5th-dimensional consciousness.
The collective consciousness of Earth and humanity have deemed it so as the alignments of the Harmonic Convergence took place in 1987. The planetary alignments supported the worldwide meditations that ushered Christ consciousness into the reality of all those who gathered together. Many of you have built on that reality since then and will continue to do so.
There is a new alignment that took place where many planets took a position of unity expression. Each was perfectly united in a direct movement. The entire Solar System moved together. This powerful cosmic alignment benefited humanity by providing an opportunity to birth a new world. Yes, the Milky Way Universe can be in a natural order.
The whole Earth benefited from the cosmic assistance and the fuel it provided for a dramatic change. You and all humanity are now charged with taking these powerful creative energies and using them. The energy templates are in place for a cohesive demonstration of love and unity consciousness to prevail in all Earthly experiences. This is the state of a natural order of an experience on Earth.
Summon your courage and tenacity to persevere when all of the naysayers are pointing to fearful outcomes. Change is not always perfect or comfortable but when you contribute your light energy, ideas and imagination to the creative mix, you can manifest an outcome that is beautiful. The perfection in which a change is manifested will surprise all of you. But it also will propel you to embrace continual change and contribute to it.
You have already begun to make radical changes in your personal conscious awareness. You have cleared a lot of debris out of your fragmented mental/emotional body. You now have a mental/emotional body that is loving and unified. This is your power center for manifesting a different reality that is based in love and unity. You are capable of manifesting your desires quickly now because you use your thoughts and emotions consciously.
False images will be put in front of you often to sway you from your purpose. False rumors may seem to be everywhere. Hold to your vision and don’t be swayed by these attempts to throw you off course. These are the last residuals of an old regime that is fighting for its existence. The new paradigm of the 5th dimension is already in place. You have been manifesting it for some time in the personal changes that you have been making. You have the discernment to see the ugliness that humans are capable of creating. You came to make the changes that are necessary at a very basic level. You are always supported in your service.
I am present with you and represent the collective consciousness of the Divine Feminine that is present within the unity of Source energy. Source energy is composed of both the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine expressions that manifests itself in the worlds of form. This Source manifested energy is not gender related as your bodies represent in their fallen state. It is always present in a unified state but can manifest in a specific state to accomplish specific creations that are needed.
This is a time when the Divine Feminine energy is needed. This Source energy provides the impetus for change through the expression of love and compassion. Divine Feminine energy stirs your creativity through imagination and vision. In the presence of the Divine Feminine energy your intuition is stimulated so you know exactly the timing that is needed for your creations to take hold.
The Divine Feminine then calls forth the Divine Masculine to come forth and assist in the manifestation by directly influencing it in specific ways. The power of this influence anchors the manifestation into your reality. In this time of new beginnings, it is important for you to recognize that the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Source expressions reside within you, regardless of the gender of your body. You are the source of power that can manifest at will. It takes this balanced expression to manifest what is needed with precision.
The Divine Feminine ushers in and uplifts the fallen human expression. It uplifts the fallen victimized and manipulative feminine expression and catapults it into a powerful compassionate energetic force. The Divine Feminine calls forth the fallen masculine aspect of humans that is based on dominance and aggression to express itself in love and assertiveness to create what is needed in precise moving accuracy.
I am here to give you these details of what is needed as you create new beginnings in your world that express your Christed 5th-dimensional state. You have all the resources within you, even our guidance is received from inside of your Sacred Heart consciousness. Do not look to the outside world for the answers. The answers to your questions are always within you. Anything that comes from perceived outside authority figures or media of any kind must be filtered through the discernment of your Sacred Heart. Take nothing at face value. Always discern and evaluate with the wisdom of your spirit that knows the bigger picture of what is being manifested in the world. There are many creators forging different paths to perceived enlightenment. Some will align with your vision others must be eliminated from your attention.
You have the power and tools to be the creative force that is valuable in the beginning stages of creating a new Earth.
Mother Mary
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