Greetings, it is I Kuthumi,
These are such prolific times to be embodied on Earth. There are such extremes in the energetic expressions that are coming from the deep regions of the cosmic creative realms. There is nothing to fear as you navigate through these times of change. See them as opportunities to shift, grow, and create changes in your reality.
There is an opening that is available to release or change karmic restrictions within relationships that appear difficult. Long-held belief systems in many of you have begun to crumble as you examine them more closely. You realize that they no longer assist you to lead your life in a state of peace and harmony. Do not shy away from the disruption you feel but embrace it as an opportunity to change how you create in your life.
Some of you will be experiencing innate memories of feelings or thoughts that just seem to appear out of nowhere. Do not push these away but contemplate them and how they may apply to your life experience in the now. This will take some quiet time to reflect and perhaps some journaling of just exactly what you are thinking and feeling. It is not a time to judge these valuable seeds of awareness that are coming through your mental/emotional body. They are neither good nor bad. They provide the information you can use in your transformational journey. They also provide you with knowledge of yourself and how you react to certain stimuli in your daily life.
These are excellent times to take another look at your ego, beloveds. Your ego is a valuable resource in experiencing your life. Many times we have talked about how important it is to transform your ego into a 5th-dimensional expression so that you can navigate the Earthly Realm in a loving, peaceful, and harmonious way. When the ego has transformed into a multi-dimensional expression, you can live your life as the Christed Being that you are. You can use the creative elements of Love and Unity to create and manifest on Earth in a human form as you originally were designed.
Many Ascended Masters and Archangels have been assisting you since you decided to take this wonderful leap into a more refined multi-dimensional expression. We have encouraged you to love and value yourself and to drop the old patterns and beliefs that hold you in the bondage of unworthiness. We have taught you to look at the patterns of unworthiness that limit you and put you into a role of victimization. Often many of you have felt that you are not capable of creating a different life experience for yourself.
You have learned that when you change these patterns, you can create effectively. Then, your whole life experience changes. You begin to feel confident. You notice that you have started even to like yourself. You have noticed that you are responsible for your thoughts and feelings as they contribute to your experience in life. How wonderful! We are so elated that you have taken these teachings to heart and are changing your life as well as your world. You have begun to be the Christed energy, and some of you notice that just by being you, you change your environment. The love that you are transmits continually without having to put forth much effort. You are that love. It is important that you notice how you have transformed your ego and lifted it to an elevated expression.
There will be times, dear ones, that you may fall a little short in transforming parts of the lower ego. Notice theses times also, but do not judge yourself harshly. See these times as reference points where you can create differently. They are opportunities to use your higher mind more efficiently and draw from the wisdom of your soul.
There are signals that the lower ego expression will give you. If your thoughts or feelings express themselves from a reference of better than or less than, then you know this is not coming from a 5th-dimensional state of consciousness. The lower ego always wants to identify and name a state of being from a polarized position. This ego likes titles so that it feels superior or is in charge. It likes to be a dominant focus of attention because then any underlying thoughts about insecurity or unworthiness can be overshadowed by the false image that you are creating in that moment.
Anytime one feels more evolved or conscious than another; this is a sure sign that the fallen ego has reared its head for some recognition or validation. It is incapable of seeing its own value in love. It always seeks outside approval or confirmation for the things that it doubts. Self-doubt is the most detrimental pattern you can entertain in yourself. When you become more conscious and are able to love and approve of yourself, you help yourself move into a 5th-dimensional state. In this 5th-dimensional consciousness, you no longer seek any outside approval because you know who you are and are able to transmit it in the silence of that knowing.
When you are in the state of just being, you are humble. Here is where you realize that humbleness is a state of being. It is not a state of weakness but a strength of spiritual maturity. There is no need for false modesty to be accepted. You know who you are and are comfortable in that state of being. You feel capable, contented, and happy.
Also, there is a need to recognize that every individual in a body is unique and is a divine emanation of Source. No two humans are alike. Each soul that comes into a body comes for its own purpose and evolution. All humans bring valuable portions of the transformational process to Earth even if they express it negatively. Someone will see it as a model to change that negative expression within themselves. It can just be noticed and not judged. Each step you take is unique unto you. No two individuals express themselves alike.
When the transformation is complete, you will see each one of you contributed to the evolution as an irreplaceable manifestation of Christ consciousness. When all the pieces are drawn together in unity, you will see what unity truly means. You are all one united in the Love of Source Light, but each one of you is unique in the way in which you exemplify it. No two are alike, but together you create an elegant tapestry in the form of Christ consciousness.
Attract and magnetize the Christed Light energy from the Source of your being. These Light emanations are being sent continually from the vast creative realms of Source to help humanity evolve. Intentionally invite these vast Light and Love emanations to come into your physical body as you consciously draw it into your chakra system.
Draw it first into your crown chakra. Infuse it with the Light and Love of Source. See it create a magnificent light within this chakra as the chakra spins and spins, emanating more Light into your energy system. Then draw the Light into each of your chakras, one by one. Finally, draw it into your root chakra and anchor it into the Christed Matrix, which is deep with Mother Earth. Spend some time in the energy that is in the Christed Matrix, feeling its Light and Love. See how beautiful it is and how it spins and spirals. Now draw this spiraling energy up the chakra system, infusing each chakra and anchor it in your crown chakra.
This is a perfect exercise to anchor these new Light energies into your physicality as well as into the energetics of Mother Earth. You benefit from these massive transformational energies that are impacting Earth and humanity at this time. As you receive them into your energetic field and share them with the Earth, you create an environment for all humans to navigate consistently in Christ consciousness. You actually assist in the creation by receiving the Light into your form and becoming it. You receive and transmit as the creator of form in form.
Master Kuthumi
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