Greetings, it is I Kuthumi,
The shift in consciousness of humanity and the Earth is manifesting in many unique ways. This affects all who are embodied and who will be coming into a human physical form in the next 100 years. There seems to be chaos in the world wherever you look, but take a closer look at it from a neutral position. When you do this, you will see that there is a bigger overall picture that provides you with information and new possibilities.
During these times of great change, it is extremely important that you hold your center. Do not allow yourself to revert to an old 3rd-dimensional pattern that is based in fear of survival. This limits your ability to create effectively and precisely at the moment. Remember, you are now navigating with a beginning level of a 5th-dimensional consciousness. Your physicality and your ego part that is yet to be transformed may want to respond in the old way. This is your vehicle, and you are in charge of how you think and how you use your emotions. You can direct and process thoughts and emotions in ways that reflect your Christed template.
The only way that you can accurately direct your thoughts and emotions is by staying calm and neutral. You are called upon at this time to make decisions that are formed from intentional choice, not from a reaction. When you manage your life in calmness and impartial observance, you can stay out of the drama and chaos that is present in a great portion of the world. You can see what you are called upon to do in any given moment. Sometimes there is no action needed. You are called upon to stay centered in your heart and hold love and compassion for those who insist on playing in the drama of certain events that shown in the media. Sometimes there is no truth to it, but it is only a ploy to engage you to enter the chaos.
The old paradigm of dominance over is slow to die. This is what you see now in living color. Are you going to engage in the drama of it or are you going to stand your ground with courage and tenacity? This will take some creative maneuvering by every being on Earth. You cannot continue in the status quo and expect a different outcome. Many of you have seen that war and bombing are not the answer. You are called upon to create new ways to deal with those who insist on creating from the old paradigm of dominance and fear.
Many of you have been engaged in the ascension process previously and succeeded. You have come again to be of assistance and to hold your radiant center in love and compassion. You also will be forthright in your actions and help others create solutions that they had not thought of previously. The energetics and light emanations that are coming from the vast creative realms of the galaxy are altering substantially the magnetic fields of the Earth and the magnetic fields of all who have physical bodies at this time. These changes force the anomalies to the surface so they can be seen clearly and altered. You are called upon to look and not be blind or fearful of what you see, but to be courageous and do your part in creating change.
Pay attention to the animal kingdom that is trying to get your attention and show you something about the subtle changes that have already taken place. Animals that were enemies or dominant forces have begun to come together slowly to support one another, especially in the young. Fear between species is diminishing. Fear of humans also is lessening. You will notice that many of the birds and animals are not running away, but just stand and observe humans. You can learn from their example and be in quiet, centered observation.
Notice the common patterns that run through all humanity. Every being has the same needs in life. They have the same capacity to create love and respect for all. There is no difference in humanity’s basic template. Abolishing judgment and prejudice must happen soon. These are the firsts step in creating a world that fully expresses itself from its Christed template. It starts with individuals choosing a different way and then gathering to form a collective that puts it into practice.
Use the light frequencies that are available to create consciously and precisely. Curb your reactions and choose wisely. Come together in love to move beyond separation into unity. This is your duty. This is why you came into human form. You came to express your uniqueness as a Christed being and hold the template of Love and Unity of the 5th dimension.
Blessings, Master Kuthumi
kitty says
A BIG GRATITUDE for the reminider.
much love always
from heart to heart
Cora says
thank you for letting me know about this channel from Kuthumi via e-mail, dear Joan and John, Namasté, Cora
BArbara Minor says
Dear Joan, Thank you so much for your ongoing channeling and the support we receive through it. I needed the reminders that this message gave me! Love, Barbara
Judy Daniel says
this is so true namaste master kuthumi being in this body we just need to remember
Judith Brandt says
Once again thank you both for your participation in the uplifting of humanity and our planet through your unique expression of Source energy. I AM forever grateful. Be Merry dear friends….Of love, for love and In love….Judith
Ashara (ah-share-ah) says
Blessings to everyone who carries this message in thier hearts and are open to allowing this level of grace and truth.
My heartfelt thanks to Joan and John and everyone who participates, physically or simply energetically.