Greetings, it is I, Anna,
I come forth at this time as the Matriarch and the wisdom holder. I am here to represent a path of Light that helps you define your role as creator beings of Light. You are here at these crucial times of change to make a difference in how you manifest change in peace and harmony. As a creator in Light, you choose how to create the energetic patterns that will inspire others to follow your lead. You are not required to speak or preach to the masses. You are just required to hold this magnificent creative Light within your physical bodies and transmit it to all that you meet. You need to say nothing. All that is necessary is for you to be the Light.
You may ask, how can I do this. The first step is in your intention to create it within yourself consistently and stably so that peace and harmony are your natural state of being. It matters not whether others agree with your position on issues of the day. Each human is unique in how they see life unfold as they create their own life experience.
When you are calm, you can cultivate more Light within you quickly and consistently. Your Light raises your energetic frequencies to a refined level that cannot be easily disturbed. You are in charge of your energy field. When you have sovereignty in your energy field, you regulate the potency of this very creative electro/magnetic, energetic field. Your thoughts and emotions are the basic dynamic composition of this field. Thoughts are electrical, and emotions are magnetic. As creators of Light you use these energetics to create your experience in life.
Pay attention to what you think and feel regularly. Awareness is a valuable asset that helps you adjust and manifest a field of refined Light that you can transmit into the collective of all humanity. You assist others in creating change for themselves as you model it for them to see and feel. Your peace and harmony that is based in love encourage others to replicate it for themselves. Remember, you cannot give what you do not possess. You have to create Light for yourself first. Creating Light for you is not selfish. When you generate Light for you first, you acknowledge that you hold the Element of Love in your heart and desire to share it without conditions.
The concepts and energetic principles of Light are foundational principles. They can only be shared when you know and experience them for yourself. Remember, it is through your experience that you truly know.
The next piece of wisdom that I wish to share with you is to be aware of what can hinder the consistent stability of your intention to transmit creative light patterns of change and transformation.
The first obstacle is distraction. In times of chaos, you can be easily distracted by outside influences. Many humans make judgments about what is right and what is wrong. They look for someone to blame for the dire circumstances that are presently manifesting on so many fronts. There are so many different places that direct your attention away from your true purpose and intention. Currently, you are dealing with so many issues that continually distract you. There are problems with health, economics, racial or gender equality, violence, and many more, that can attract your attention. You can go from one problem to another and spend a lot of energy, either agreeing or disagreeing with the complication that is currently manifesting.
Next, be clear on your purpose. Decide where best to place your energy and attention so that you may serve humanity effectively. Once you decide on a course of action, contemplate and pray about it, write it down clearly and post it where you can see it throughout the day. This will remind you of your decision. Know that you can alter your choice at any time. You can add to it or subtract from it, depending on your inner guidance. Trust yourself. Trust the still soft voice of your soul.
Sometimes, simplicity is your best path. Things that are simple and easy to accomplish give you courage when asked to help with a problem that might seem difficult or complicated. Remember, even in complex problems, there is always an opening for a path that might be direct and smooth. Issues can be divided into sections and resolved in pieces. When you can take a problem apart and devote your attention to one aspect of it, that piece quickly resolves. And then you can move on to another section. The entire issue resolves, bit by bit, step by step. This is what a creator does.
Remember, just because you see a problem or a need does not mean that it is yours to resolve or fix. Go inside to your Sacred Heart center and in the silence contemplate and ask, is this mine to fix? Trust the answer. Finally, take steps to work with the problem or release it to the one to whom it belongs. Rescuing is never a productive use of your energy.
When you shine your Light for the benefit of humanity’s transformation, you always receive in kind.
I thankyou with deep gratitude for your guidance and direction, much love divine ONE and ALL