Greetings, it is I Kuthumi
Let us talk about the importance of finding a space each day to connect to who you are. In this space, you will be able to expand your viewpoint that you are light. You were created in light and this is your true essence.
In these days of turmoil and confusion, it is easy to become immersed in the chaos of the collective consciousness. To eliminate the possibility of taking in this disruptive energy, you must create a space within yourself that is calm and centered. When you create from the center of your Sacred Heart, you are able to choose instead of react.
There are so many disruptions that flow in and out of your daily life. It is necessary to have and access a center of peace, a center where you can find respite, where you can find your connection and know who you are and that you are all right. You are perfect the way you are. How will you know this if you do not access your center? In this center, all is light; all is one with Source. There is such comfort and peace in this space. It is important that you access this center regularly.
Because your collective consciousness is so erratic in these times. Much is being asked of all of you for change. You are being asked to change a thought system that no longer serves this planet. Teachings have been given to you that are in some respects erroneous and keep you in a state of upheaval and fear. These teachings and beliefs do not serve such beings as you. You must find and access regularly that center where you can know without a shadow of doubt what is your truth. In this space, you will feel and know that you are connected to your Source. You will know you are supported and loved even though you are challenged at every turn. You are not alone.
Many on this planet are being challenged to see a different viewpoint, to expand and broaden their awareness. You are being called to experience and live your life in a state of expanded consciousness. The current state of the collective consciousness is one of disruption and chaos. When this is all that you can see, you cannot access anything other than the chaos. You cannot change a thought based in chaos when you are continually in it or part of it. The only way to change this is through a daily practice of entering the center of peace in your Sacred Heart and listening for the answers to your questions.
You will find your center of peace in your heart center and your Sacred Heart. This is where you connect with your soul. This is where you connect with Source. It is here that you begin to recognize the love and light that is available to you from Source. When you create from this center, you are in full alignment with the Divine Plan for creation.
It only takes a little of your time to get relief from the chaos. It is only a breath away. Take a deep breath and bring your attention to your Sacred Heart. Breathe yourself into this center. Notice how your breath begins to slow and you begin to feel calm. You begin to feel nurtured and loved. It is that easy. You just have to remember to find your center and embody the light that you are. Walk in that light. This is what a coherent frequency is.
In this state of being, you will feel the peace of your connection. You will know the availability of many who will assist you. You will receive answers to the questions that you ask. There are many questions that you ask, but you do not realize that there are answers available to you. When you are so embroiled in the daily chaos, the din is too loud and you cannot hear what is being given to you. You cannot see the pathway that is before you. It is covered by the chaos.
The question is will you access that space that is available to you? It is in this space that energetic shifts in your being occur. In this space, your awareness is expanded. You can choose to access this center of peace or you can play a little longer in your chaos. How intense does it have to be before you say, “Enough! Enough! I choose another way to see my life, to see my world.”
This, dear beings of light, is the state you are approaching. When you embrace this center of peace for yourself and use it regularly, you not only benefit yourself but you benefit many. You affect the collective consciousness and provide a pathway for many to begin to access their center of peace. They then begin to see alternative ways to experience their life. You are to be commended for you efforts in this regard.
It is important that you experience this meditation practice to the fullest extent possible so that you can know what it feels like. You will then begin to access your center more often and at a deeper level.
I am here to assist you. Know my presence, feel my presence. I will lead you to your center of peace. All that is required is that you spend a little time regularly, daily experiencing it. Your life will change dramatically. You will begin to live your life in a more peaceful and connected state.
Master Kuthumi
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