Greetings, it is I Kuthumi.
I want to speak to you about fear and how it affects your mental/emotional body and limits your conscious awareness. First, I would like to give you some history of your human condition. Many of you are aware that you were created by Prime Creator to reflect and create Light as you experienced physicality. You also were given free will to create and choose a path of exploration through matter. You were given a blueprint to help you in your creations. This blueprint was specific to the individual expression that you chose.
All was well for an extremely long sequence of experiments that created matter. It was such a beautiful expression of your divinity. You created many things while experiencing form. You were able to maintain full awareness of self and your oneness with all Realms of Creation. When humans decided to deviate from their original blueprint, everything changed.
Humans began to forget their oneness with Source. They began to miscreate. Denseness in matter followed. This density affected their consciousness further. There was a great cataclysm, and as a result, Earth and human creators began to navigate in a dense 3rd-dimensional energetic paradigm. Fear and separation were the primary energetic patterns that humans began to create.
Many enlightened beings came to help humans remember their true roots. Source Love and Light continually provided a resource from which humans might create differently. You were never abandoned or forgotten. You were offered a path through Love, creative Light of Source, and Grace so that you would find your way into full awareness. Now is the time.
You have come far. You are changing your reality as you choose how you create. The paradigm of 4th dimension provides and distinct awareness that you always have a choice in how you create your reality. Fear and separation are still present. The denser aspects of this paradigm must be eliminated as you enter 5th-dimensional consciousness.
Fear of replicating past events limits your ability to create in the present moment. Those events have already occurred. You already experienced them. When you focus on the current time, you will see that you have the power and will to create differently.
Fear of survival is another aspect of limitation. Survival is a primary tool of a 3rd-dimensional egoic consciousness. When you are in this state of awareness, you will always question your safety. Other questions of this reality are; will I have enough food or shelter? Will I be accepted in my family or community? Doubt is another aspect of fear. These thoughts always have an emotion connected to them. Negative feelings inappropriately drive your response to any outside event. But if you look closely, the result of such reactions can cause more fear, anger, and separation. The way out of such patterning is through self-awareness. Self-awareness requires your time and effort to see your error and make a correction.
There is another limitation that humans create as they navigate through the 4th dimension. Self- judgment is a limitation. Harsh self-judgment is always followed by guilt. Guilt holds your error in play. Guilt does not allow for the release of the energetic distortion of your error. Guilt becomes the emotional response and movement in your creation. When you restrict yourself by judgment and blame, you are unable to forgive yourself or others through compassion, kindness, or Love.
Sometimes there are deep wounds within your mental/emotional body that were created by you through harsh self-judgment. Others created some wounds; parents, teachers, or peers. Both of these cannot be released and removed from the psyche by blaming the self or others. They are released by awareness of their validity. Realize emotional wounds are miscreations based on 3rd-dimensional fear and separation consciousness.
When you are kind and compassionate to yourself for believing in such distorted creations, everything changes. You begin to enter the resourceful realms of the 5th dimension. You begin to be inspired by the paradigm of Love and Unity. You start to recognize you are not separate from the Source of your being. You begin to access the element of Love through compassion and kindness to others and, most importantly, to self.
Creating quiet time for your contemplation and prayer is a must. Create a space in your environment for this purpose. It takes self-discipline to develop and use such a resourceful place. Journal often your deepest thoughts and feelings. Journaling provides an opportunity to release the continual distorted thoughts and feelings of difficult days. When you sit quietly in your special space, you will find you are a very resourceful creator. You may find there is a specific time of the day that is best for you. It may be in the early morning before you start your day or in the evening before you enter the sleep state.
This sacred space is where you will find your creative power. You will find it in clear conscious awareness. As you review daily events, do so without judgment. You will discover you made some excellent changes. Or you may see choices you might have made differently. Remember, don’t judge yourself. Be neutral in your observations. Neutral observation serves you well. When you see anomalies, take note. You will always have another opportunity to make changes. Eventually, you will see an error before you create it and make an instant change. Possibly, you will know when you are about to react inappropriately and then don’t. What beautiful discoveries you make as a result of contemplation.
Through conscious awareness, you learn to manage your thoughts and emotions. You create sovereignty in the body as the Christed creator being that you are.
What a blessing to receive. Thank you, Joan!
Beautiful Thank you so much!