Greetings. It is the Collective Consciousness of the Divine Feminine aspect of the All That Is. In this capacity, we will bring forth some information that is very conducive to the transformational process that you are engaged in at the present time. In the forefront stands Anna in the capacity of the matriarch, the wise woman, the wisdom holder.
It is I, Anna. I am delighted to serve in this capacity. I represent the Divine Feminine. But understand, this Divine Feminine capacity is not gender related or related to the gender of your body. It is related to the consciousness of your divinity. Each one of you has come into embodiment at this particular time in the evolution of Earth to ascend into its original Christed design.
As the Christed being that you are, you hold both the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine energetics within the Spirit of who you are. In this particular iteration of the Divine Image, you are called upon to heal the wounding of the fragmented masculine and feminine aspects of the human form that has been in existence since the great fall of consciousness. The fall was created in the physical realm, so it must be transformed in the same realm from which it was created. And you beloved, as the divine iterations of the human are charged with this duty. You have each taken on an embodiment to be the divinity that you are. Being the Divine Image is your purpose.
So many of you have been out there searching for a long time, asking what my purpose is in this life? What am I to be? What am I to do? You are to be what God created in you, what Source created in you, the Divine Image. And it is through the capacity of the Divine Feminine that you are fulfilling what you came here to do. The Divine Feminine has certain aspects that in the reality of 3rd dimension do not exist. But you have moved past that 3rd dimension into the 4th dimension and into the beginning stages of 5th dimension where you have a reality where you know that you have free will, that you have a choice, and that it is up to you to make those choices.
So I have come this evening to discuss with you what limits you in these choices. Limitations are in your old programming, as well as in the wounding that has taken place. Some of this wounding is very old and not of this particular lifetime. It is from many life experiences where you had deep, painful events that occurred in those lifetimes. They left scars in your psyche. Some of you continue to make choices in your life because of the blemishes left by old wounds as well as current offenses. The intenseness of your reactions is dependent on specific wounding that is taking place in the present but has been amplified by old scars as well. Your response also is incensed by the belief system that tells you that you are unworthy and less than another. How can something so beautiful, created in the Image of the Divine, be less than?
It is so important in these times of change that you recognize this. You are that Divine Image. And as such you are very valuable. You are the next iteration of Christ Consciousness. So as we move forward, what is it that limits you? It’s the constant referencing to yourself as needing a savior. That you need rescuing because you are not capable or powerful enough to create and manifest a profound change in your experience.
You do not need a savior. You do not need rescuing, but it is helpful for you to have models. These models can come from those in your present society, as well as those who have come before you such as Jeshua. Jeshua came to provide a different frequency, a different aspect of humans in form, to model Christed imaging, to model to you who you are, nothing more. He modeled to all love and compassion as well as an appreciation of self and compassion for all humans who struggle just as you do.
In this wounding facet, let us look at what portion of that wounding has occurred because of power and dominance, dominance over, making others subservient or less than by what you say or what you do. Humanity has played both roles. Sometimes you are the perpetrator, and sometimes you play the part of the perfect example. When you are conscious, you always choose to model your divinity and are not ruled by a fallen ego that based on survival.
Real power comes beloved, through consciousness, conscious awareness of who you are, not from a perspective of better than or less than. Better than and less than are two sides of the same coin, all stemming from a fallen ego. And so when you are tempted to think of yourself from either perspective, be aware, be conscious that this is a voice that is not of your Spirit. It is the voice of your ego which is attached to the fallen side of a human form. It has no relationship whatsoever to you as that beautiful Divine Image.
It is up to you, when you hear such voices, to recognize from where they came, and choose to make a different choice from your heart, that Sacred Heart that holds a consciousness that sometimes is a little out of the frequency range of your current awareness. When you are discerning what you are thinking or what you are feeling internally, you can always go to that Sacred space and ask, “is this true?” You will always receive an answer. If you are not in resonance with the vibration of your Sacred Heart or not in alignment with the divinity of who you are, the answer will always be no. Your Sacred Heart consciousness always represents you as divine because you are that.
These are very auspicious times that you have come into an embodiment. This is a time when the cosmic alignments are drawing you into a resurgence of an interior journey, an introspection of yourself. The Holy Spirit is very much an aspect of your divine feminine, where the wisdom of your Spirit is engaged from that internal space, where the love of who you are is engaged, where intuitiveness is engaged. Many of the gifts of the Holy Spirit are engaged. One of these gifts is the knowledge that you are capable and can receive higher guidance from your Soul, from your Spirit, as well as from the Divine Essence of “The All That Is.” You are quite capable of receiving these types of communications by engaging that Divine Feminine quality that lives within your Sacred Heart.
I encourage you to access this knowledge. I encourage you to be open and be receptive as that divine being that you are. When you do that, a manifestation of the Divine Masculine quality comes into being. Your intuitiveness, love, awareness of self is engaged very directly, very precisely manifested within your physical experience. It takes both, the combination of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine that brings into conscious awareness of the actual visibility of you from a divine perspective.
The Divine Masculine can organize thought and direct it with precision into a manifested state of being. It is not one or the other. It is the real aspect of you, the totality of you as divine, having both Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine qualities, regardless of the gender of your body.
When the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine function as one, Unity consciousness begins to take place. All aspects of you unify into the glory of who you are and who you were created to be. Because various cosmic alignments took place over many months of your time, they supported a transformational process. This transformation process is where you find yourself today in a vast transformative process. You have the opportunity to bring forth the Unity of humans as Divine Images in form.
Thank you and I love you ??????