Greeting, it is I, Kuthumi,
My message offers you the energy of strength and a commanding presence. I have chosen to exemplify these particular energies for you to emulate them as you navigate these chaotic times of significant change. Master Yeshua spoke to you about the limitations of fear and how they play out in your personal life. Owning your personal power is the solution to the overwhelming fear response typical in the 3rd and 4th dimensions.
You must feel personal power in your body. It is much more than a mental concept. Personal power is a creative and forceful element of creation and implementation. You will find your power center in the sacral center of your body. Some call it your gut or a gut reaction of knowing. Many have said that you can feel it in your stomach when something is amiss or not right. Also, you can feel it when the right choice presents itself. Trusting this physical reaction serves you because there is no fear in this response. There is a certainty if you can trust yourself.
The energy for this power center comes from your lower chakras. When you are grounded in the energy of Earth, you can draw from this powerful energy. When your first chakra is clear and Light filled, it emits power and certainty. When the first chakra is filled with Light, the Light marries with your physical divine expression. The energy of the first chakra begins to rise and enter the second chakra.
The second chakra is fluid and powered through the water element. Your emotions are engaged to create and feel the power of creation. Each chakra is dependent on the previous chakra to gain energy and momentum. As the energy ascends into the third chakra, it enters the solar center.
The solar center is your personal power center. The element of fire provides the power for this center. The fire element provides a passion for creating and changing continually. Solar fire energy is potent and ignites a fire in the heart chakra that emanates Love and appreciation for your abilities. When a fire burns in your heart, you can see clearly that you are a beautiful emanation of Prime Creator.
When you consistently activate these four powerful energy centers, you become a creative force. You are a powerful creator. Always start with the root chakra, send a new grounding cord into the Earth daily. Draw the Light of Source into the first chakra and spin it until you see or feel a bright red color begin to emanate Light. Spend some time here and begin to familiarize yourself with the energy that you are creating.
Now, move the energy up into the second chakra and do the same until a beautiful orange color begins to glow. Feel your emotions as you choose the feeling that is appropriate for your creation. Draw the energy into your solar center and spin this power center until a brilliant yellow color appears. This center is the center of your personal will and power. Feel that power in your gut. The next step is vital. Merge your will and power with the Will and Power of your Source. The merging of Wills increases your power center and directs your creation in ways that are in full alignment with your soul wisdom.
Draw this energy into your fourth chakra and feel the Love that emanates from this center. Love is a physical/emotional response to the principal element of creation. This element is the element of Love. Your power center draws energy from the element of Love and magnifies your power center when it is receiving its strength from the element of Love. When you consciously merge your will with the Will of Source, your will is empowered significantly.
When you follow this dynamic process, you will continually build and empower your creative centers. Remember that you are an individual creator made in the Image of God. Your purpose is to create a form within a form. Will you be a powerful creator? Or will you be a victim of your circumstances?
It is time for you to summon your power, and stand up to all the misaligned creations playing out and creating a spiral into chaos. You who carry the Light proudly shine it into those parts of humanity who are caught in the bedlam. Shine your Light and show the way to empowerment and change.
Discern carefully, what the news media is continually distributing. Discern without judgment. See clearly and stand powerfully in the right action. Powerful frequencies of Light upgrade your abilities through conscious awareness. Work with the Lords of Light, Ascended Masters, and Archangelic Realms. Receive what is given to you in great Love daily from the Cosmic Realms of The All That Is. When in need, call on us to assist you, and we will always be there.
All of us (and this includes each one of you) as Christed beings of Light are here now to resurrect a Christed Planet and all of humanity. The time is now!
Master Kuthumi
Teacher of Light
I am so very happy to know that Master Kuthami, the Masters and Archangel will assist us in our spiritual learning and journey into the 5th dimension.
You sent me this information on June 2 Teleconference Number: 1-712-770-4975
Meeting ID number 499685
Are these calls free of charge from Oxford where I am currently in a lockdown, and in Hong Kong when I get back to there at the end of the month.
I’d like to ask for guidance from the Archangels team to guide my own development into the 5th dimension and how I can contribute to peace and love in Hong Kong where we are experiencing immense political upheavals.
When you are asking for personal guidance from a Master or Archangel you must center yourself in your Sacred Heart center which is in the middle of your chest and ask your question. Then wait. Stay quiet with no thoughts and listen. It may take awhile for you to establish a pattern of quiet contemplation or meditation but with discipline questions are always answered from the place where they are asked. There will be a knowing in the silence that you receive.
You can also transmit Peace and Love to your environment by first having a precise intention to do so and they followed by paying attention consistently. Go to your Sacred Heart Center, get into a meditative state and begin to open your heart and transmit your Light and Love out into the area or person that you want to help. Have no expectations as to a result but have faith that it is flowing. Do this often if not daily. By holding Light and Love in your heart for so many that are suffering at this time you help them find creative paths to relieve there suffering.
Happy to hear from you dear Master!