Greetings, It is I Mother Mary,
I have come to speak to you about being kind and compassionate to yourself. In these times of change and transformation, it is very important that you nurture yourself on all levels of your being the; mental/emotional, physical and spiritual levels. Because this is the time where you must navigate through a 3rd dimensional state that is playing out in your world, as well as, a 4th and 5th dimensional state that brings change, love and unity, stress is being created within your energy system. As you develop more self awareness, you begin to see the many changes that you must make in your life, and are often called upon to have compassion for others. But it is equally important that you have the same compassion for yourself as you do for others and that you are kind and nurturing to yourself. You are in the process of birthing a new expression of yourself that is more in alignment with your Christed nature and it takes time for this new you to fully emerge.
These new parts of you must be protected and nurtured so that they can fully mature and be exemplified in your daily life. One of the main things that you are being asked to recognize and change is the belief that you have no of value. The old paradigm showed you that you were separate, unworthy, and that you were lost without the intercession of a greater being. The denseness and rigidity of this paradigm prevented you from seeing that you are that greater being. You are never separate from any part of creation and are a very valuable expression of the Divine. You are loved beyond your comprehension for the changes that you are making so that humanity can rise above the old belief system that was held in place by the 3rd dimensional matrix.
When you allow yourself to step fully into the 5th dimensional matrix of love, unity and unlimited creative expression, you will see more clearly who you are and that you do have value. As you get glimpses of yourself from this perspective, do not reject this as being merely your imagination or possibly your ego expression. No, they are real; draw them close and nurture them so they can grow in your awareness. There is no danger, here of becoming narcissistic or having an inflated image of yourself. The 5th dimension is real and it allows you to express yourself from your divine nature in full unity with your original schematic as Prime Creator created you. As soon as you realize this you will become willing to love what you see and to express it completely.
Take in every morsel of you as it comes into your conscious awareness. Hold it close, love it, and nurture it so it can grow and expand. This is your true image. You cannot ever be unlike your Creator and you have played in the illusion of separation long enough. Be pro active and recover your true nature so that you can create as you were intended to create while you are in a form expressing your divine individuality. You must be willing to love yourself first and then nurture that decision so that it can manifest in your world.
When you are able to hold self-value and self-love, some of the fear that accompanies change will dissipate, especially those fears that relate to your ability to survive. It is within the element of Love that you see what a powerful creator that you are and that you have the experience and competence to create what is needed in the moment. In the 5th dimension you have unlimited possibilities cycling continuously, if you will pay attention. These wonderful possibilities can only be drawn from the present moment where you hold self-value and self-love. They cannot be accessed from past events, which contained only fragmented expressions of you.
One of the most important things that you can do for yourself is to daily dedicate time for reflection and contemplation, and connect with “The All That Is” through prayerful communication, not from a state of petitioning or pleading, but with the intention of developing a relationship with and acknowledging the presence of the Divine that is within you. When you cultivate an awareness that The Divine Presence is always with you, and is always available to you, you have more confidence in yourself, and begin to operate in life with certainty and because you know and have experienced that you are not alone. Be willing to receive the love that is always being given to you from the creative realms of the Godhead.
When you are willing to receive Divine Love without reservation, you begin to hold the value for yourself that has escaped you in the past. When Divine Love and the presence of “The All That Is” can be recognized and acknowledged by you as being a part of the very fabric of who you are, many things begin to change and your consciousness begins to flower and expand. The changes that you are called upon to make for yourself will begin to flow more easily and will seem to manifest almost instantly. You are able to easily walk away from old patterns that hindered you and these patterns will cease to exist in your reality.
You are then free to express and exemplify your individualized divinity out into the world. You become the model for others to follow.
All of this was brought forth because of your willingness to receive the love that is available to all. Many other humans will notice the presence of love within you. They will wonder about this and be motivated to experience it for themselves. You too will begin to notice how when you receive love and give love, there seems to be more of it for you. The love of self grows as it is used.
Notice when there is any stress within your body or energy field because of outside influences. Begin to take time to nurture yourself so that you can stay centered within that cocoon of love that is within your heart. It will provide the sustenance that you need. The Divine Presence within your heart will always verify what is true for you and show you your beauty. When you nurture yourself in this way, all of the tension and stress begins to be eliminated. You can begin to see the value of taking a little time here and there to rest and nurture yourself. It needn’t be great lengths of time, even short moments will have benefit, but you must be willing to schedule this time.
As you become more aware of yourself and your value, you will want more time for reflection, prayer and rest because you realize this is where you learn more about who you are. You become a willing participant and there is no struggle to find the time. At first it will require persistence and discipline, but very soon any resistance will be replaced by a desire to go within and see the expansive nature of you.
Approach the coming year with great anticipation for you have everything that you need to create great change for yourself and the Earth. Be confident in your ability to create. You have the love and support of many throughout the creative realms.
With Love and many blessings,
Mother Mary is well known in Christian Religious Circles as the Mother of Jesus, but she is so much more than most people realize.
Mary was a very evolved being who was created within the Celestial Realms of Creation. She was called forth many times throughout the history of Earth to assist embodied beings to maintain their high level of consciousness. As Earth’s consciousness began to fall, it was even more important for elevated beings of light to be present to help maintain higher consciousness on the planet.
Mother Mary had lives in Atlantis, especially just prior to as well as its decline. When Atlantean consciousness began to fall below the 8th dimension, Mary traveled to Egypt with Thoth and many others to set up an outpost in that part of the world. Temples and universities were built to begin to hold some of the documents that were kept in the Atlantean libraries.
Mary was an active participant in the temple of Isis. She embodied within an Essene community and was chosen to be the mother of Yeshua. When she very young she was sequestered within the walls of the Isis Temple so she could be educated and prepared for her role as the mother of a great teacher and avatar. Her only contacts with the outside world were the high priests of the temple and a hand-full of very wise teachers. She has always been revered by the Angelic Realm because of the purity of light that she holds, and Archangel Gabriel was given the position of her guardian and companion throughout her childhood.
Mother Mary has always had a great love for humanity and the Earth. After she left the physical realm of Earth, she continued to be a valuable presence to guide and support humanity, so that we could evolve and return to our original state of consciousness.