Greetings, it is I, Michael,
My message to you, dear ones is both simple and yet of great importance to your ascension process. We Archangels are inviting you to let us assist you in your transformational process. We were created to assist all humans. These are challenging times for all humans. We have come forth to help you with the various trials that may block your path with obstacles that you have to overcome.
Significant influxes of Light are continually transmitted at this time from the Heavenly Realms. They are very refined. Sometimes you can feel the intenseness of them in ways that you do not fully understand. I am refreshing your memory of former Earth time sequences because now you are slowly guided to return to such a magnificent state of consciousness.
The Earth, as well as the human form, were created so that you had the perfect venue to experience your individual creativity that was unique as you manifested experiences in matter. In the beginning, all was well for eons. You created within a Christed environment of Earth by creating a variety of experiments, all of which had some form. Oh, what fun you had! What joy you experienced as an individual creator. Some of you played in this venue for extensive periods, and when you tired of your play, you returned to the Source of your Being. There was never any issue with any of your experiments. You always knew who you were and that you were united with your Source. Some of you came into various forms often because you loved the excitement of experimenting in matter.
There is a learning curve that you must adopt. Many great teachers were often sent to show you the path to conscious awareness. Energies of Light are continually transmitted for your benefit. You have already entered a vast dimensional shift in the state of matter and form. This shift alone enables you to move out of dense matter and the dimensional sequences that currently hold you hostage. Pay attention to the changes that you are creating and seeing manifest. Awareness gives you vision and knowledge so that you do not drop back into old familiar creations.
There are still some who play in denser realms of consciousness and seem to enjoy it. This state of being is not you. Be careful, do not play in these venues even though they look familiar or interesting. These individuals are very sly in the way they seduce you into such environmental experiments. They can make it so tantalizing and fun. Know this, dear ones, you have an innate desire for joy, playfulness, and creative ventures. This is who you are, and it makes you uniquely you. But, do not let these darker forces seduce you in false ways that seem to be innocent and can be quite alluring. Be aware. Be discerning. You are capable of great vision now that you have adopted individual states of consciousness that has its foundation in Light.
We Archangels, are devoted to you and your return to Christ Consciousness. We were created in the Element of Love by the Source of our being just like you. The difference between us is that we have different purposes. We were designed to hold and transmit the perfection of the Divine creative Light of Source. We hold that perfection within our energetic makeup. We are not creators. Our purpose is to assist you as you create and experiment.
We have many functions. We can hold you in the Light until you can see it for yourself. We can transmit more Light as needed. We can assist you in your daily experiences, guide you when needed, and when you invite us into your field. We can offer levels of protection when you are tempted to go off course. We have many talents when it comes to serving humans.
Even though we are a unique collective consciousness, we can come as an individual expression for your convenience and understanding. When you see us as individuals, we have specific attributes that serve you well. Make yourself knowledgeable about these attributes so we can help you.
For example, Archangel Raphael can express healing energies that are based on the element of Love. Love restores your Light and helps you heal your fragmented energies that cause disease in the body. Raphael calms the tensions that you sometimes create in the body through your thoughts and feelings of worry, confusion, anxiety, or pain. The body must relax and rest in calmness for it to heal.
Archangel Gabriel is a messenger of Light. She can transmit great Light and understanding of events so that you have an advantageous position. This vision helps you have an understanding of specific experiences. Archangel Jophiel loves humanity and Earth. She transmits great Light so that you can see your value. She will show you how to love yourself as we love you. She will help you recover the joy of life experience. She will help you see with new eyes the beauty of the Earth and how you can help to maintain it. I, Michael, will not only protect you but I will defend your Light so that it is in perfect alignment with Source creative energy. I will help you send away those lower forces that tempt you to be something that you are not. I will help you sever any cords from misaligned relationships. Ask for my shield. This shield is most helpful. It is composed of courage, tenacity to persevere amid limitation and the element of Love which transmutes darkness and lifts you into Light. Call on us often. Educate yourself about some of our other Realm members that may be helpful to you personally.
I would also like to tell you that the Angelic Realm also helped those special teachers that some of you know. Yeshua called on us often in the course of his Earthly existence. He had a great mission to perform, model, and imprint Light for humanity’s ascension. He called me forth when he was tempted at a physical human level. We surrounded him in the garden when he was worried and afraid. Raphael never left him during his crucifixion. Archangel Gabriel always accompanied Mother Mary. What other teachers do you know who might have had particular Angelic support? All of them did. We were created to assist you on your journey into the world of form.
I have come now to refresh your memory of many valuable resources. We are waiting for your invitation.
Archangel Michael
What a beautiful message. Thank you so much! This message was a HUGE and LOVELY reminder that I so needed to hear today.
Dear Archangel Michael, you have given us such a touching and beautiful message. That all the teachers who came to earth were assisted and helped by the angelic realms. We are so warmed by your asking to be invited into our lives. We would be so honoured when you come. Thank you so very much!