Greetings, it is I Kuthumi,
As this year in your sequence of time begins to come to a close, it is essential that you recognize all of the dramatic events and changes that have taken place in your world. There have been massive influxes of Celestial Light that have penetrated the Earth’s atmosphere on many levels. These influxes of Light have been configured to bring about change in the physical world on all levels. Pause for a few minutes and review what you have learned and the changes that you have made this past year.
These changes affect the physical bodies of all humans on Earth. They also affect the Earth itself from its atmosphere to the deep chasms of its interior. The alterations have been both energetic as well as physical. There have been many Earth changes that have occurred throughout the history of Planet Earth. These current times in Earth’s history are no exception. They are designed to bring about change on all levels.
The collective consciousness of the Ascended Master Realms is very present now to guide and assist all humans as they progress on their soul journey and transformation. There have been many discussions in regards to the massive shift into 5th-dimensional consciousness. What needs to be further understood is that this is not only a shift in consciousness but also a physical shift out of density in the Earth. There will be physical changes that have to be better understood as well as accepted. Fear limits your ability to create in the midst of such massive changes.
I am here to discuss with you what you can each do to support yourself at a physical, mental and emotional level so that as you can navigate these times with more ease and less fear. When you can maintain a calmness within yourself, you help the body tremendously. The tension in your thoughts and emotions puts stress and tension on the body. As you know, stress in the body can cause disease in the body. The shift into 5th dimension requires you to have possession of a physical body that is functioning in health and wellbeing.
Recurrent thoughts and reactions that cause worry, doubt or fear have to be examined to discern the source. Are you allowing yourself to be triggered into a reaction because you are unable to voice what is unacceptable to you? Do you receive an emotional high when you use specific emotional responses that are of a negative origin? Some of you are addicted to the adrenalin rush that you feel when there is drama in your life. Too much adrenaline in the body is harmful.
Many humans get benefit from creating the drama because they receive an emotional charge when they can create a solution to a problem, and they appear to be a hero. Others like to be a rescuer or rescued. Continual use of these patterns causes great tension in the body over long periods of time. These patterns stem from a fractured emotional body that was severely wounded from childhood through early adulthood. These are the things many humans are dealing with at this time as the massive Light templates are transmitted.
These Light templates do not support 3rd-dimensional thoughts and emotions. They continuously call to you to examine them as they surface. Realize you have many choices in how you choose to think and feel. When you are aware of what you think and how you feel is the only time that you can make another choice that will create a viable change. It must start with you. It is up to you to create the change for yourself that is needed so that your life can be calm and harmonious. You can only create when you are in a state of tranquility.
Many struggle in the workplace because there seems to be constant chaos playing out. You can help change this just by holding a calmness within yourself. Take deep cleansing breaths often to support the body. Offer constructive solutions when you are able. Try to maintain an awareness of an open heart that is compassionate to others who are suffering to survive. When you can hold composure consistently, you can create a calmness in your environment. This rarely fails to help the environment, but if it does, pay attention and do not react to the negativity. Try to maintain as best you can a calmness for yourself. If needed take a break. Go to the restroom. Take some calming breaths. If possible, take a short walk down some hallways and breathe calm short breaths. These things are important for you.
Prepare yourself ahead of time. This is important. Each time you interact with others, whether it is in the workplace, shopping, or a social event. Think about the environment you will be entering and plan how you will react to it. If you start off in a calm state of being, it is more likely you will succeed and return home in the same state. Before leaving home make time to sit quietly for a few minutes breathing in love and light. Feel the love that is there for you in your heart. Put a bubble of protection around yourself with the intention that everything that is not of love will bounce off and return to sender. This is how you keep your energy field functioning in a coherent state.
Each evening review your day. Notice and mark your successes. Notice where you have fallen a little short. Do not judge yourself, just notice them. Next time you will make a different choice. It might take two or three times to notice before you will make a very conscious change. The important thing is not to judge or blame. Just notice.
Now, let’s discuss what you can do to support yourself and escalate the process of dropping the physical denseness of 3rd dimension and supporting a 5th-dimensional body. Rest often if needed. The physical body is slow to respond to some of the Light influxes that are designed to alter the body at a cellular level. The changes in the electrical, magnetic field of Earth are extensive and do affect the body. They affect your thoughts and emotions but also affect the way in which the body responds to them. The body requires a calm environment to create consistent regeneration of healthy cells. When there is tension in the body chemicals are produced that create deterioration in the cells of the glandular system, so it is incapable of creating the proper regeneration of healthy cells.
The body’s primary enemy is stress and tension that is created in the mental and emotional body. The result is the production of chemical and hormonal imbalances. Diet also contributes to these imbalances. Non-nutritional foods create an addiction to the tastes of these foods that compromise the pancreas, heart, digestive system, liver, and kidneys. When you ingest plenty of nutritional fresh vegetables, fruits, and proteins that nourish instead of inhibit well-being, the cells can do their job of reproducing themselves in a healthful state. The chemical and hormonal balance is restored. Make sure that you are consuming plenty of liquids as the body is mostly water and the water needs to be replenished continuously. Also, make sure that you breathe deeply throughout the day. Oxygenation of the cells is essential. Practice deep breathing often and remember when you are in reaction or in stress your breath either stops or is very shallow. Your breath can restore calmness in your mental/emotional body.
All of the things I have been speaking about relate to your physical body and its health and wellbeing. Sometimes, you forget to include your body in your transformation process. You don’t pay attention to how it is feeling unless you are ill. This transformation and ascension process is also about transforming matter into a light-filled expression. Dropping the density in form is essential in the raising of a planet and of all humans into their original Christed form. The 5th dimension is the first step that you human creators are taking. All parts of you need to be included and valued.
If all of this seems to be overwhelming, take a deep breath, rest often and most importantly love yourself continually even when you forget and miss the mark that you had intended.
Thank you . Will try to bring more positive thinkin and calmness to my life