Greetings, It is I Metatron,
I come as a Lord of Light, who emanates from the collective consciousness of the All That Is. Humanity is precisely positioned in the realms of time/space continuum to create significant changes in the next year. Each individual is called forth to use their individual divine expression in a more masterful way. You are called forth from your true collective nature to express yourself as the creative master that you are.
There are many challenges that you will face in 2016 and for the next few years. You must be aware of them so you can create a different way of removing these obstacles that no longer serve you individually nor collectively. There will be a continuation of warring factions who insist on maintaining the old ways of domineering supremacy. This domination issue will lead you to look at your beliefs about religious supremacy, racial issues, and the lack of balance of the masculine and feminine parts of you, as well as how gender preference is played out in society and most of all the lack of value of a human life.
All of these things will catapult you into fear of survival which is part of the separated human condition as it existed in previous times. Survival will be exaggerated by the world financial system that is manipulated by greedy individuals who want to increase their wealth at the expense of others. You are slowly dismantling the separation template. The next five years of your time are significant times in which each of you can make corrections in the way in which you create your reality on Earth.
First you must reflect on what you think and what you believe in each one of these of the previous fragmented energetic templates. Observe how these things impact your emotions. Does an emotion of fear stay in the forefront of your energies? Or are you able to stay in the balanced and more refined emotions that you have been creating recently. You must maintain peace and harmony within your mental/emotional body. It is needed to create effectively from your Christed template. You can successfully create a different reality on Earth now.
To be a successful creator demands of you a conscious precision in every creation that you manifest. The energetic templates of 5th-, 6th- and 7th-dimensional frequencies are available because they have been created under the direction of the Eloheim and the Lords of Light. Third-dimensional experiences are no longer energetically supported on the Earth. Those who insist on playing in such energies will find it most painful.
This year of 2016 is full of potential to make a massive shift in the collective consciousness of humanity. It requires your full awareness and preciseness as you create. Precise awareness can challenge you often in the coming days. When you revert to creating outside of full awareness, you will find that your creations are faulty and disruptive. Some of your old fragmented patterns will surface for they are still part of the collective consciousness of humanity. These fragments will cause you to doubt yourself. It is important that you see what is happening immediately and make the necessary corrections as soon as you see the anomalies. The longer you allow yourself to create pain and misery, the longer it will take you to reposition your mastery.
Above all, do not judge yourself harshly when you miscreate. Just make the correction as soon as possible and move into a more aware and creative state. It is imperative that you maintain a love of self as the divine creator that you are. Anything that is less than a full love expression will cause you pain. Do not judge your pain but see it as an opportunity to create from your mastery. Every opportunity that you take will only reinforce your perfection. Each time that you see yourself as a divine creator, you reinforce your Christed image.
You are powerful creators. Observe how you create this year. Observe the energetics that are now present and that support you. When you observe yourself creating powerfully, you create a reference point that you can follow when you fail to use your mastery. This reference point will always bring you back into a more precise creation. You will then always manifest from your Christed image. Every time that you create from the 5th-, 6th- and 7th-dimensional Christed template more of what remains of the 3rd-dimensional template is removed permanently.
You are a creator in form and as such, you create the Christed template that Earth can then reflect into the cosmos. You can easily create this refined template because you are a Christed being who creates. A Christed being is your vaster expression in the collective consciousness of The All That Is. You are that whom you have waited for to lead humanity out of the bondage of separation consciousness. Know this and take responsibility for what needs to be created now. You are here to play a significant role in the resurrection of a Christed planet. You are the creators in form who creates the energetics that reverberate throughout Earth.
Take time daily to withdraw into quiet contemplation. See your unity with your I Am Presence. See your divine reflection emanating from your soul/spirit essence. Bathe yourself in this beautiful emanation of light that is streaming from your soul/spirit in such luminosity. Nurture these images and hold them close. When you return to create and play in the collective consciousness, you will have a reference point of who you really are when the collective is reflecting separation. This reference point provides a valuable resource so that you can maintain a level of your mastery. You are the light that came to change the world forever.