Greetings, it is I Yeshua:
I am present now to help you navigate these chaotic times of change in the most refined state of energy that best serves you and all humans. We must begin with a discussion of the element of Love because it radiates Source Love that enables you to remember what an energetic influence that you can emanate into the world.
The element of Love is the most valuable element you have in the creative process. It empowers you to make direct changes in the way you experience life on Earth. When used within the frequencies of the 5th dimension and above, the element of Love helps you to manifest in form instantly anything you need to express your Light. You always live comfortably in continual abundance on all levels, physically, as well as spiritually.
When the Christed Matrix returned to Earth in 2011, many holographic Light energetics began to transmit from the creative realms of Source.
This energetic Matrix began to activate on 12-12-12 when a new era came into being. The gates of the heavenly realms opened and began showering the Earth with Christed Light. The Light streamed from above as well as from within the core of Mother Earth, where the Christed Matrix now resides. Sanat Kumara, Lord Maitreya, and I returned the Christed Matrix on 11-11-11, along with its energetics to the core of the Earth. This event made it possible for the transformative possibilities to be present at this time.
The present pandemic crisis has a unique purpose that is directly related to the chaotic clearing now taking place on Earth. The shifts, changes, and clearance of distorted patterns currently taking place cannot be seen clearly because of the unawakened ones who are fearful and create chaos. Many darker beings, both human and non-human, are fighting to maintain their power, agendas, and wealth so they can continue to rule and create a structure that victimizes and enslaves humanity by keeping them in darkness.
This chaos is an energetic residual of the contaminated 3rd- and 4th-dimensional distortions many of you have worked so diligently to remove. You have often gathered in groups to bring Light and Love to planet Earth and all humans. You have made many changes within yourself so you could hold the Light of Christ Consciousness and transmit it. You kept the flame of Love within your Sacred Heart, so there was a refined presence within the physicality of humanity. You are part of a growing army of Light Warriors. Your numbers are increasing. The battle is almost over. The critical mass of humans transmitting Christed Light is nearly reached.
So that the energies of the elemental Love and Light can take hold, a worldwide time-out is now necessary to reorganize and restructure, energetically all parts of the dense form of matter. Mother Earth must rest and recoup her Light as a Christed planet so her energies of 12th dimension can return and support you and many to create the image of a Christed being on Earth that is fully supported energetically.
Mother Earth has been bombarded by various pollutants stemming from destructive manufactured chemicals and waste products. The destruction is caused by continual wars that arise from the desire to dominate. And humanity is suffering. The Earth is suffering and cannot offer a proper environment for both humans and animals. The original beauty of your magnificent Christed planet has declined to the degree that the present time of quarantine and isolation is required.
Those humans who are still asleep and operating from dense distortions of 3rd dimension will benefit from a time of silence. They will slowly begin to see a glimmer of their Light in the silence. In their boredom, they will start to review their life. They will become kinder to themselves and others. In the quiet and isolation, they enter the temple of their interior that is fertile ground for reawakening. Many humans will begin to see through their fear. They will recognize changes are needed. When this segment of humanity receives the Light and Love of the Source of their being, kindness and compassion replaces their fear. They slowly begin to remember a valuable aspect of themselves. The soft voice of their soul begins to be heard.
You who volunteered to take this embodiment at this time, recognize that yes, this is why you have come. All of the teachings you have received helped you to clear the distortions of your dense 3rd-dimensional body. You have cultivated and grown your Christed Light purposefully, so your Light can shine brightly and reflect it to others who need it.
Great healing is now occurring on Earth and within humanity. The current pandemic is a wakeup call to all. For some, they heard it as the Clarion call from the cosmic creative realms of the All That Is. They heard it ring loud and clear. It is the time for their Light to manifest and contribute to the ascension process. Know that those of you who answered the call changed your ascension process, bringing you to a new level of consciousness. Receive this gift from Source. Be in gratitude for the opportunity to serve. Hold your Light stably and consistently. Do not waver, no matter what the obstacle or temptation might be. You are the Light Bearers. Stably holding your Light is your duty. You will change the Earth and bring all awakened humans into the Light.
How long will this time-out take? That depends on how long every human responds. Some will choose to leave so that they can continue to play in denser realities. Some completed their Light mission. They are weary and await a time to rest and heal. Large-scale annihilation will not occur. There are already enough souls transmitting 5th-dimensional Light who will make a difference in what was initially prophesied.
Take this time to rest, pray, and meditate so you can stay calm as you navigate the chaos. Take care of your physical body. It is your sacred vehicle. You need it to be the manifested Light within the darkness. You show others how to raise the body consciousness and bring it into a full Lightbody expression.
Know you are fully supported by the many who reside in the creative realms of Source. A full complement of Archangels surround you and protect you so that your Light continuously shines. You have the shield of Archangel Michael to protect you; the radiant Source Light through Archangel Gabriel; the healing Christed Light through Archangel Raphael; and the wisdom of Source Mind through Archangel Uriel.
Remember, I am the emanation of the Christed energy and am with you to help you remember your Christed self.
Thank you, Yeshua, Joan and John for this message!
Thank you for the confirmation???
So beautiful. i am so grateful. Gazillions of blessings and love. xxx
Thank you Yeshua ???!
This is very helpful for everyone. Some may not fully understand it and others will envelop the teachings. Magical energetic words are necessary for us to see beyond our communities. Love this and all of you blessed souls!
Thank you for this message speaking to the depth of my heart. Namaste.
Thank you!
I just love this message from Yeshua. Thank you, thank you!
Dear Jesus!. I want you in my life every day. I Love you with all my heart. I want to fell you very deeply and i want be with you. I want to talk with you!❤️?????