Greetings, it is I Michael,
I come in the configuration of a Lord of Light to deliver a message that will assist you in the present time of great change. These are potent times to create and change a paradigm that no longer serves the Earth or humanity. Every human has come into an embodiment in this time sequence to change the dense reality as well as the energetic components of this dimensional sequence. Each one has a valuable contribution to make. I am here to remind you of this now and also to encourage you to see the bigger picture of what is occurring on Earth at the present time.
There are great upheavals and confusion in all sectors of the Earth. This discord comes from human thoughts and extreme emotional reactions. The main contributor to these disruptions is fear that is predominately present in the collective consciousness. Mother Earth is responding to all of the disruptions that humans are creating. She is clearing and cleansing many areas of the Earth to provide a cleaner environment that will reflect a consciousness of the Christed energetic matrix that returned to Earth in 2011.
This matrix has been amplified many times since 2012 and continues to expand in the present moment. This particular cycle is necessary even though it invokes a fear-based response in many. The old 3rd-dimensional paradigm and the ego of many humans do not like such drastic changes. The 3rd-dimensional ego prefers to keep a status quo in place. This status quo position is influenced by a deep ancient programming of survival. It is important that you see this clearly so you can change it. Do not hold fast to old beliefs that do not serve you. Be willing to change and create a new reality on Earth that is based on Love and Unity.
All of the disruptions that you see everywhere are needed. These disturbances can show you specifically from where they originate. Most originate from unbalanced thoughts that evoke denser emotional reactions such as fear, separation, guilt, hate, or mistrust. See a bigger picture is what is occurring. When you see the motives behind what is being created, you can discern the fallen thoughts and emotions. When you see this from the center point of neutrality rather than judgment, you will not react from the denser emotions that are being displayed. It is important that you stay alert to what you are thinking and feeling so you can choose differently.
When you use compassion rather than unbalanced reactions, you will be more inclined to create a different response. You can see that many who create such distortions in the collective reality do so mainly from their thought of fear and separation. When you can see what motivates their actions clearly and without judgment, you can acknowledge that it has existed in your reality previously. You have learned to change your reality by creating in a more harmonious way that is based in unity and love. This is you creating from a 5th-dimensional state of consciousness. And you are so needed in these times of change and transition out of the 3rd-dimensional paradigm.
Change comes when individuals who are conscious come together for the common good of all with love in their hearts and a motivation of creating unity. There must be respect for individual beliefs and ways of creating solutions even when they differ from yours. There are many ways to create in the 5th dimension as there are infinite possibilities that cycle continuously.
When you make small changes within yourself and limit your fearful reactions, you contribute to a larger change that emerges and grows. As more individuals notice these little changes and join you in making changes in themselves, a significant shift in the collective consciousness is possible. Even subtle small alteration can make a difference. Gradually, bigger changes are created.
We encourage you to receive the great Light waves that are continuously coming from the cosmic realms of Creation. These creative Light Rays are always based on love and unity. It is of great importance that you receive these refined Light frequencies. Hold them stably in your physical body. Use them and build upon them. You are the ones who have a physical body. It takes all who have a physical body to create changes in the physical world. Earth is dependent on you to reflect to her and the elementals Christ consciousness so that a physical environment can be created that is a proper environment for all humans to create precisely and responsibly.
The more Light that you can maintain in your body’s energy field, the more you can create responsibly and consciously. As you transform your body into a Lightbody vehicle, you change the dense 3rd-dimensional structure of the body and contribute to the physical change of Earth. This time of change is not just a change in consciousness, but it is also a change in the actual physicalness of the body and the Earth. This is why you have incarnated. You will change the consciousness as well as the physicalness of all humanity and Earth.
Change yourself first. It starts with you as the individual creator and then expands when others join you and contribute to the Light that is present. You can continually increase the frequencies of Light that you hold by openly receiving with intention and attention to your energy system. Scan your chakra system daily. Make sure that all chakras are spinning coherently and that the colors are brilliantly clear. Be conscious of your thoughts. Ask yourself often do my recurrent thoughts contribute to my Light or do they detract from its stability. Above all seek to maintain an energy of love and respect for yourself. You cannot love or respect others until you do so for yourself. Then it will be genuine and not contrived.
Often, it will take courage and tenacity to maintain a 5th-dimensional state of being. You will be tempted to react by going into the old pattern of fear or judgment. When you fall out of Christ consciousness, notice it and accept it without judgment. This will shift you immediately and bring you into the love frequency of 5th dimension. Self-judgment only contributes to separation. It is then followed by guilt and more judgment which is so detrimental to your energy field and your ability to maintain a refined frequency of Light. Take a breath and bring yourself back to your center.
Call on me to give you a shield of Light to help you as you move forward in the ascension process. This shield is made of courage, tenacity, and love. Use it daily. Place it in your energy field daily. I am devoted to your ascension and the ascension of Earth. There is much yet to accomplish, and you will never be left without the full assistance of we Lords of Light and the Archangels.
Lord Michael
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