Greetings, It is I Metatron,
I am manifested from the realms of the Collective Consciousness of The All That Is. Now is the time for you to be given some valuable tools that will assist every human who can hear and receive this message. This information will assist you to come into a fuller expression of your divine essence.
I bring to you the Magenta Color Codes of Transmutation. This is a powerful creative color code of pure Undifferentiated Source Love Energy. The magenta color codes are an integral part of the manifestation process. They bring into the creative realms the perfected undifferentiated element of Love and make it usable and applicable in form through the interface of the Sacred Heart Consciousness.
You who are creators in form use these powerful magenta color codes to manifest and create form within form with accuracy. When these codes are present in your creations, you reflect the undifferentiated element of Love of Source by differentiating it and applying it in numerous ways and in countless creations. This is an alchemical process that continually alters the harmonics of form and makes it compatible with the refined states of Source energy. The magenta codes facilitate the transmutation of physical form into Light through the element of Love.
In these times of change, you are called forth as creators to imprint the dense form of the human body and of the Earth with the Undifferentiated Source Light. This is done through using the creative mechanism of the magenta codes. Undifferentiated Love and Undifferentiated Light of Source are never separate but always operate as complete Source creative energy. Source Love and Light are always flowing, moving and creating.
Every human possesses in the core of their beingness this Source energy. In the purity of your soul/spirit, you hold this divine configuration. When you as soul/spirit took on the form of the human body, you did so to exemplify differentiated Source Light and apply it in form to express the individuality of your soul.
Now that you have awakened from your sleep of forgetfulness, it is time to create differently and precisely as you had intended. The remembrance of yourself can be gained by using the extensive magenta color codes of Source energy. You must intentionally apply them in your body and in the consciousness of your Sacred Heart. This expands your consciousness of your Sacred Heart. These codes awaken the memory of yourself as a divine being of Light that is fully manifested in form.
Infuse your personal Merkabah field with these valuable codes. As you imprint this extensive personal energy field with the magenta codes, you also impact the planetary Merkabah field. This impregnates the Earth with Source energy, so it reflects back to you a sacred divine environment that is hospitable to your divine soul essence of Light. You create a spiraling of divine energy that is reflected into the Earth. Earth reflects it back to you, and you absorb it into your body. You have created a harmonious resonance of Light that is constantly being reflected and used.
When you have recovered some of your memory by using the magenta codes, you will no longer doubt that you are worthy. You will know that you have great value, and you will begin to love yourself completely and with no hesitancy. You will begin to create and transform your life experience with ease. You will create with conscious accuracy. By applying the magenta color codes into your body, you alter the vibration of the body and provide the body with the ability to hold more refined frequencies of Light. This elevates the body and makes it a worthy vessel to hold the Spirit of you in its purest form.
You are in the process of transmuting your 3rd-dimensional body into a 5th-dimensional vehicle that can manifest your light body. Your consciousness is already operating at a fifth-dimensional level and at times you navigate multiple dimensions. In order to use this consciousness to create more effectively and consistently, you must have a body that can use and reflect your multidimensionality. This is why it is so important that you transform the human body into a 5th-dimensional vehicle of Light. Life in a human body has never been about escaping the body or the hold of its ego. It has always been about transmuting the dense energies of form and creating a 5th-dimensional body.
Now is the time. You are awakening at an accelerated rate. You are given the tools to escalate your consciousness further. Pay attention. Use these tools. Be the creator that you are and transform the human form and the Earth into its original Light magnificence. Be the Divine Image and reflect your brilliance to all parts of creation that has form.
Lord Metatron
Kazuko says
Thank you, Metatron! I’ve been soaking myself with the Magenta Color Coding for a little while. Wonderful validation and confirmation. I will continue doing so! 🙂