Greetings from the Collective Consciousness of the Divine Feminine:
The next five years of Earth time will be years of significant change. Mother Earth has been cleansing the environment of many unseen anomalies that were created since the fall of consciousness. These fallen imprints are host to much of man’s creation from a 3rd-dimensional state of consciousness. As humans created from fear and separation, the Earth has held these foundational imprints stably so humans could continue to exist and continue to create a life experience in the 3rd-dimensional frequencies. This concept is not to be judged as good or bad. It is information to help all who are embodied to see clearly and begin to embrace their beginning awakening.
Humans are not victims of these fallen experiences but creators of them. More individuals who are incarnating on Earth at this time are awake and see the need for change. They stir up change to so that it is fully visible in living color. Others who lived lives for some time are weary of these painful and challenging experiences that they have known. Many decided that they were no longer willing to be the victims of their circumstance. They made changes in their thinking and in the way they chose to use their emotions. They have stirred the pot and said no more. We can change these ingrained ideas and create a different world.
Some may speak up, write letters, or march against old patterned dualities that no longer serve the greater good. Others choose a different path. They are more verbally silent in their expression. They choose to open their hearts with compassion as they create and exemplify love in their life. They transmit a tranquil calmness to all whom they meet. Because they have cultivated a state of conscious awareness within themselves, they see the importance as well as the value of having an open heart to themselves. They know they were created in perfect love. But because of the denseness of Earth’s 3rd-dimensional environment, they could not see the beauty that lies within them.
When humans awaken, this love is very evident. Their life changes because they search out the path that provides a transformation they couldn’t see before. Each individual is unique in this transformational path. They get to choose. They get to be the expression of an enlightened being who holds the Light, Love and infinite possibilities for creation until all can see it for themselves. No two are alike but are equally as valuable.
There is no violence provoked or used in a transformation from the 3rd dimension to 5th dimension. When there is a polarized judgment, 3rd dimension is then easily maintained because the fallen human ego takes charge. The emotions follow suit and create fear, feelings of victimization, and a flight or fight impulse that is easily played out. Judgment always separates, defines another as either good or bad, or blames another for their circumstances. There is always a choice in any decision or course of action. When choices are made in unconsciousness, ignorance or lack of wisdom and immaturity, events often happen that seem to show the participant that they are a victim.
Only when one is awake and conscious can they create a life experience that is a reflection of their true self as a being who was created in Love and can exhibit love in their expression. This pattern cannot be changed overnight. It takes time, experience and continual awareness to alter such dense patterns. Forgiveness is the first step in creating a modification in any ego-driven creation. Forgiveness starts with the individual. Forgiving the error, clearly seeing what anomalies are within the event. Seeing the various anomalies within a situation gives the creator information on specifics that they must pay attention to as they create again under such circumstances. Self-judgment only hinders or completely stops the transformational process. Self-judgment is so detrimental to the soul’s expression that it keeps the victimization alive. It limits the individual from seeing the beauty of their reflection as an effective creator. Self-judgment limits one’s ability to generate any change in old patterning.
Forgiveness is so misunderstood in a human’s 3rd-dimensional consciousness. Forgiveness does not mean that the event or action was acceptable. It only means a change is needed so the event is not replicated or reproduced in any way. It shows creators how to be precise in their creations. Forgiveness comes from compassion. Compassion is an aspect of the element of Love. The element of Love is a 5th-dimensional creative element. It has power because it drives the change or creation precisely. It is a 5th-dimensional light frequency that establishes love and unity consciousness.
An individual can only forgive themselves for an error or miscreation when they see it from a 5th-dimensional perspective. No judgment is created through their fallen ego. Ego often tells one that they were a victim or encourages one to blame another for an error. Sometimes the choice of a miscreation was made unconsciously. Forgiveness of self without judgment has a most beautiful outcome. Forgiveness compassionately disconnects an individual energetically from the event. This eliminates the continual processing of the event by the rational mind. A state of neutrality establisheS itself, and the higher conscious mind takes charge.
When an individual can cultivate this state of forgiveness in themselves, they can then begin to apply it to those outside events that seem to happen daily now as the massive clearing is taking place. What is your responsibility is such events? Understand it is not your duty to completely alter the error. You must hold a state of compassion for those involved in the miscreation without blaming one or the other. It is your responsibility to stay neutral and exhibit quiet love-based energy. Voice your opinion when it would benefit others. Speak or write your opinion only when it is based on understanding and compassion. Then do so only if you can do so from a neutral position. It may take a while for you to process within yourself first, especially if it has triggered you emotionally. Being reactive in such instances is not helpful.
Apply the concepts that we have just discussed with you in regards to self-judgment, forgiveness and compassion. Establishing a neutral ground from which you can voice or write an opinion, is a primary consideration you must make first. Understand when you take action from this platform, you will be helpful. You will transmit the creative energies that provide some relief in the minds, emotions and bodies of the participants in their errors. Through the love and harmony that you hold within your energetic field, you can transmit that to others and help them to see things from a clearer perspective. Perhaps, they can then choose a path for a correction that they know how to generate instantaneously. If an immediate resolution is not possible, seeds of possibilities are planted that are usable in similar creations. Choices that exemplify the higher good of all concerned can be continual choices because of the energetics that you have positioned in the consciousness of other humans.
It is always the duty of those who have awakened to find that individual expression that can serve the greater good. If your role is to be an active participant, take care to do so from that beautiful enlightened heart of yours. If your role is to take a more silent role, then do so in the silence of your private time. Transmit the love and infinite energetic possibilities through your vision. By cultivating the presence of love, compassion, and harmony within yourself, you can silently transmit it even when you are in public places. When you can say hello with a smile or bid someone to have a beautiful day, this could change how they can experience their day in a more harmonious, joyful way. Just because you choose the silence does not mean that you are passive and non-participating in life. You are playing a part in the massive transformational process that is occurring.
Honor your individuality. Develop your conscious awareness. Cultivate the element of Love in your creations. Each one is unique and special. You all have a piece to contribute as humanity and the Earth transition into the 5th dimension.
The Collective Consciousness of The Divine Feminine
Hi Joan,What a wonderful message from this beautiful collective. I copied down a few key points that I just loved. Thankyou,thankyou,thankyou! These are amazing times and I just keep listening and choosing love. With love,Marianne
I am always so amazed at how these messages resonate so deeply; they bring such clarity & peace! Once again thank you!
What a beautiful and elegant message. I found it extremely helpful, especially the clarification on what it means to create “precisely” and not to repeat creations that no longer serve or that are destructive to the soul, and the body.