Greetings, it is I Lord Metatron,
It is most appropriate that we deliver this message to all humans at these crucial times of change. The sequence of your time has just shifted to the numerological sequence of 2020. In the next decade, you will see many changes. There will be many challenges for you human creators that will present themselves in the most unexpected ways. So there are a few things that you should know to help prepare yourselves to create the changes that are most beneficial for the Earth and all humans.
The planetary alignments that occurred in the last year of your time were energetically designed at the level of the Creative Source Realm to provide a continual influx of Divine Light so that you could create in more conscious ways. Human consciousness benefitted significantly as these influxes of Light began to pour into the Earth. The Light shines in the darkness. Humans began to see there were significant changes that had to occur. Humans realized if they wanted a different experience, they must actively create those changes in their lives.
We have often told you this Light would raise the dimensional frequency of your planet as well as alter human consciousness. This Light began to uplift the planet and humanity to a 5th-dimensional level gradually. We began to teach you to receive this Divine Light with the intention to hold it in your physical body so your body would consistently vibrate at that 5th-dimensional level. You began to see you had to create your life experience in a conscious state so you would experience peace and harmony. You had experienced pain and misery of the 3rd dimension long enough. It was time to create differently.
All of the elementals came to your aid as they received this magnificent Light Energy from Source. They began to help Earth to resonate with an environment of the 5th dimension that would assist all humans in creating beauty in their relationships as well as harmony on Earth. The recognition of beauty and harmony would benefit Earth and the Elementals to maintain an environment that continually supported all human creation from the 5th dimension through all higher dimensional states of refinement.
As the Light shines in the darkness, more darkness reveals itself. It cannot be covered up by more darkness of 3rd-dimensional distortions. The doors of this dimension had begun to close in 2012. It has taken several years for you to realize this. Face the darkness that is revealed and demand change. This change must start at a personal level before it can progress to a collective level. Can you see how everything that manifests itself in the collective consciousness of humanity begins with each individual creation? So, to make changes on Earth and in human consciousness, it must start at the personal creative level. When the Light awakens, you notice the anomalies and distortions in your creations. When you are aware of the distortions, change begins.
You must first begin to notice the Light itself and how it impacts your ability to hold the Light in your body. You are capable of holding vast amounts of Living Source Light because Source created you in that Light. The more you hold and integrate it into your body, the faster it grows. Acknowledge this magnificent Light often. You can assist yourself in this recognition by speaking aloud this phrase several times a day. “I am Light, glowing Light, Radiant Light.” If you say this aloud several times a day, you begin to recognize the beauty that Source created in you. In this Light, you create consciously, and the Earth and all humans benefit.
Yes, there will be more Light transmitted this year than in previous years. It will uncover more darkness that must be transmuted by the Light. You may be overwhelmed at times with the challenges that present themselves in the next few years. These are times of co-creation. You are the ones with the physical body. You are on Earth now to use your Light to transmute the darkness into Light. You are the creators in form.
There are so many opportunities in these times of transformation. These are such glorious creative times that you can be excited about as you begin to manifest significant change. Do not be disturbed when how much darkness is brought up by the Light that many humans like you are transmitting. Know that this is why you are here. You will change the darkness as you brilliantly manifest your Light. Stay alert. Stay conscious.
Remind yourself daily that you are Light so that you can manifest the change that you desire. With this simple daily verse, you know that you are capable and are not affected by any distortions that you see in the world. You came to be the change that was needed for the resurrection of a Christed Planet.
Lord Metatron
Thank you so much for this message as confirmation. Despair not, write a different and more positive script, no victims, no blame, only looking forward, smiling and loving.
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Divine Creator’s Blessings to ONE and ALL. “I am the light, glowing light, radiant light.”
Blessings and appreciation Lord Metatron for your guided wisdom and to JoanandJohn for your bright light and love. ?