Greetings. It is I, Michael.
I am here as an Archangel, but also, I am here in the capacity of a Lord of Light. I am not limited by any realm because I am a collective consciousness. So when I present myself as Michael, either an Archangel or a Lord of Light, it is a collective consciousness. We use an individual expression for your convenience in understanding and receiving us at a more personal level.
I have come to discuss the differences between the energetic paradigms of 3rd, 4th, and 5th dimensions. The 3rd dimension is a physically dense state of consciousness. It is based on the energetics of separation and fear. This dimensional energetic continues lifetime after lifetime until you awaken to an understanding that you have a choice. When this awareness dawns, you see that what you create in states of fear and separation do not represent who you are as a being of Light.
When you awaken and become mindful that you always have a choice, you transition into the 4th-dimensional state of consciousness. You know that you can choose the emotions that you most often feel. You can choose the manner in which you react to life and the way that you respond in your relationships. In this state of consciousness, the energetics of the 3rd dimension begins to drop away. You realize that you always have a choice, and everything changes. Your heart chakra begins to open. Self-awareness, self-respect, and self-value is present in your consciousness. You have a clearer vision of your journey through your physical life on Earth. Sometimes these journeys are quite difficult for many of you because you don’t understand nor see that you are this beautiful being of Light.
When you have transitioned into this 4th dimension, you begin to have an open heart. Your heart opens to you individually as well as to others. Sometimes, in the 4th dimension, you get confused about the importance of loving yourself. You begin to transmit love into your environment. You see the need to love others in your world, and to love others in your relationships. You want to be kind and help others. Sometimes, when you are so intent on loving others, you forget about you. Love of others takes precedence over self, and you begin to give at your expense. When you sacrifice yourself, you make decisions that do not serve you. When you do not possess self-love, you are unable to give what you do not possess.
Self-love is still an essential part of your exploration through the 4th-dimensional consciousness. This does not mean that you become narcissistic or that you become self-centered and selfish. Those are paradigms of the 3rd dimension. When you are in states of selfishness, you devote all of your attention to you and what you need. When you are self-centered, you are in 3rd dimension because you are in fear of survival. Is it safe? I have to take care of me, or it’s not safe. When your consciousness wavers, you momentarily find yourself in fear. It is a simple transition back into making a better choice because you can quickly realize that this is an option. Choosing is the beginning path to self-love and self-respect. A balanced state of love becomes important to you.
As you transition out of the 4th dimension into the beginning stages of the 5th dimension, there are certain stages in your life to consider. First, you must be aware of the energetic foundation of the 5th dimension. The 5th-dimensional foundation is the element of Love and Unity. You cannot have Unity without the presence of the element of Love. When I say element of Love, I do not mean just your emotional feeling. The element of Love affects your emotions, as well as your mental/emotional body, just as separation and fear of the 3rd dimension can be felt in the emotions and accentuated in your thoughts.
The 5th-dimensional state of consciousness is not linear. The time sequence of the 5th dimension is circular. Your ability to create ideas that manifest in your life continually cycles. Know that you never miss an opportunity when you are in the 5th dimension. If you choose not to explore a particular creative venture, and it is part of your individual purpose in your life experience, it will come around again and show itself. At this dimensional frequency, opportunities are never lost, ever.
The element of Love is a very creative element. Just like the elements of the Earth such as the earth, fire, water, and air are essential elements in manifesting in the physical realm of Earth. The element of Love is the 5th element of Creation. You can only use the Element of Love when you are in the 5th-dimensional state of consciousness. The Element of Love comes in through very refined Light frequencies of at least 5th-dimension.
If your consciousness wavers or you are in reaction, you will revert to an emotion based on fear or separation. You can certainly drop down into that 4th or even 3rd-dimensional state of consciousness. It is an easy transition back to a 5th dimension when you open your heart to you, and you realize that you reacted or fallen short. The 4th-dimensional state of consciousness is not about judgment or guilt, because you know that you must love yourself and be kind to yourself. You felt that in your heart many times.
Things begin to change. As you transition through that 5th dimension from the beginning stages into the mid-stages and the higher stages of the 5th dimension, you begin to take on more and more Light into your whole physical body. Your physical body begins to change. It starts to alter its consciousness. Your body moves out of the density into a lighter frequency, refined frequency range. Your body begins to follow your consciousness. It is directed by what you choose to feel and what you choose to think. When you choose your thoughts and emotions, you create your life experience in the 5th dimension. Your state of consciousness is always monitored through your body, through the body’s cells, through your organs, as well as through your chakra system.
There is much less stress on the body, and it starts to relax. Your body begins to participate in your dimensional frequency range. The organs of the body unify and communicate so that you can maintain health and well-being. The neurology of the body and the brain begin to operate efficiently. Your brain starts to process complex thoughts and concepts easily and quickly. The physical body itself becomes a united expression.
Things change when the body operates in a 5th dimension consistently. It looks the same to you. It seems the same to others. But it is of a much different frequency range. The body holds more Light in its cellular system, especially in its energetic system.
Your energetic system upgrades also. It, too, must come into a unified expression. Each chakra’s energetic flow is enhanced. When you are seated in the 5th dimension, each chakra takes on more Light. The colors are vibrant, and the chakra spins without resistance. The spinning is coherent and flows from the root through the crown. Something magical happens when the chakras are functioning in Unity and coherence. When the crown opens, Light begins to flow through it easily. The crown consistently receives refined levels of Light that are transmitted from the creative cosmic realms of Source. The Light flows through all of your chakras, and it received in the root chakra and grounded into the energy of Earth.
Consistent reception of Cosmic Light opens you further into multi-dimensional states of consciousness. You begin to access the 5th, 6th, and 7th dimensions. You begin to create and manifest in your life expression with ease. Your life becomes less stressful because you remain conscious and aware of how you are creating. You create with precise intention as you use your thoughts and emotions to manifest a multi-dimensional state of being.
All of the concepts that I have spoken to you about requires you to take responsibility for what you create. Sometimes you must change and alter your creations. There are multiple opportunities available as you learn to navigate through the dimensions. You learn that this is now a joyful journey. You are the creator of your life experience in a body. Always remember that you are a beautiful being of Light in a human body.
Thank you Michael and Joan for this helpful message. <3