Greetings, it is I Kuthumi,
This time sequence that you are experiencing now is unlike any other in the history of Earth. The many disruptions in the coherent creation of peace and unity in the collective consciousness of humans are limited by the fear and separation consciousness of many individuals throughout your world. There are many energetic disruptions generated by the creations of those who hold to old belief systems as well as old patterning of the 3rd dimension. As many of you know, fear and separation are the 3rd-dimensional foundations. Struggles for power and dominance are prevalent in the dense 3rd dimension.
There is something more to recognize in the energetics of Earth. There are enormous Light energies that are projected from the Cosmic Realms of Source. These holographic projections are directed into your entire universe. They are designed to awaken the consciousness of all who are embodied in a form. The holographic influxes of Light are such that the massive blocks of energy and concepts that they contain will gradually become integrated into the psyche of all humans on Planet Earth. As each individual and personal integration takes place, your world will slowly change.
At this time, my message to all of you is to be patient. Do not be discouraged by the events that you are witnessing. Hold a level of trust within your heart. Know that you are not abandoned. You are shown a way to create differently. The current time of change is a time for individual introspection to discover who you are. Recognize that you are part of the raising of consciousness. As you hold a consistent view of yourself as a divine iteration, you contribute to the human collective.
Be aware of your duty as a Divine Being of Light. You can alter your environment by staying present and aware of what you project into the collective consciousness of all humans. Choices, as well as discernment, are key to the development of Christ Consciousness on Earth. You are powerful creative beings. Do you wish to create from the refined dimensional frequencies of Light or will you fall into old patterns of the dense frequencies of the 3rd dimension?
What limits your ability to project the refined Light frequencies? Your thoughts and emotions are huge creative energies. What you think and feel consistently affects the environment. It also affects the consciousness of all humans, since you are human and part of the collective consciousness of all humanity. Will you contribute to the elevation and ascension process or will you detract from it? Even though you are on a path of personal transformation, you affect the collective of humanity.
Review the patterns that you play in most often. Be conscious of how you use these energetic patterns. Notice when you are in reaction. Notice what you think and believe at any moment. Gradually, you can change as well as be conscious of consistent thoughts that are based in fear or separation. Awareness is how you will change your consciousness and contribute to a peaceful, unified collective. There is no room for personal judgment as you notice these things. Sometimes, in your daily interactions with others, there are subtle suppositions about other’s thoughts or motives. Suppositions do not serve you because they cause you to fall into a protective mechanism that is based in the fear of survival.
Personal projections are not the same as sensing that the energy of the environment is contaminated or polluted with negativity. Do not allow yourself to stay in such environments. Remove yourself from it as soon as possible. Do not frequent such environments as they can take a toll on your personal Light. They may seduce you into the denser magnetism of physical and emotional pleasures that are part of the lower 3rd dimension. One of the primary seductions of the 3rd dimension is drama which is created by your thoughts or emotions. Drama heightens the adrenaline in your body and can become quite addictive.
Immerse yourself in the 5th-dimensional Light frequencies that continually infuse the Earth and all humanity. These holographic permutations are there for your reception. Wave after wave they descend. They are there for your acceptance. It is valuable for each of you to take private silent time daily to immerse yourself in these vast frequencies of Light. Have no expectations. Open your Sacred Heart Center and receive. Stay in the silence for a time before you ask for guidance. Ask questions often but have no expectations of how the answers arrive. Some will hear a response, some will sense the answer, and some will see a visual that connects to a concept. Perhaps, the answer may come as you are in a discussion with a friend or acquaintance. Some of the most unlikely and profound thoughts come out of a person whom you consider of low stature or education. They too are divine iterations. What they may speak may cause them to pause and consider their statement. Your conversation will help them personally in ways that you cannot know.
I have spoken to you often about the value of intention and attention. Your creative process begins with your intention. Your attention follows the intention that you give to your personal process. Intention and Attention motivate you to start the creative movement. It contributes to a consistent conscious awareness of what and how you can create effectually in the 5th dimension.
Time is changing. It is no longer linear. It is circular and based in the present moment. There are unlimited creative opportunities in the 5th dimension. The new holographic Light projections provide the influx of creative Light that is pregnant with possibilities. Embrace it fully. Be excited with the promising opportunities that are available. Never be concerned if you think you missed a specific opportunity. In the 5th-dimensional energy, the possibility will cycle and become available again. Perhaps, this time it will have aspects that you didn’t see previously but are available now. Never doubt that when you are ready, the opportunity will arrive. You are in a constant flow of change and evolution.
You are the way showers. As you change and grow, you exemplify to others how it is accomplished. This ascension process starts with the individual, affects the collective and then gets imprinted into humanity as well as Mother Earth. All are raised energetically, physically, as well as spiritually. There are many levels of consciousness playing out in this sector of the universe. As the 5th-dimensional energetics are maintained consistently by a bigger portion of humanity, peace and unity will prevail. Love and Unity consciousness replaces the dense expressions of war and violence. The fifth element of Love will prevail and become a primary energetic force in the creative process. It will alter matter substantially in ways that you cannot perceive at this time.
Master Kuthumi
*Master Kuthumi is the Chohan of the Second Ray of Consciousness, the Ray Love and Wisdom
Thank you for this beautiful message.
This message is so awesome.It brings me back to the center of now. Thanks with a glad sense of appreciation