Greetings, it is I, Mother Mary.
I am present with you at this time as a representative a vast creative consciousness of Source energy. This energetic signature is often called the Divine Feminine. The Divine Feminine, when present in the 5th dimension and above is always present in unity with the Divine Masculine energy.
The unified expression of Source creative energy is not gender-related. In refined dimensional sequences of the 5th dimension and above are based in paradigms of Unity and Love. The 3rd and 4th dimensions are the dimensions where separation exists. Personal beliefs and choices create a 3rd-dimensional experience. A dense physical environment was created to support the human experience in a tangible form in the denser dimensions.
Now is the time to end the pain and misery of your separated state of consciousness and create a different state of being. Many have gathered to assist you in your ascension journey. This ascension path is unlike any other creative endeavor that humans have ever attempted. An ascension process of this nature requires you to alter any separated belief system and accept your creative individuality as a Divine expression occupying a physical body. Most importantly, love and appreciate yourself for the journey you are taking.
Compassion for yourself as well as for others is a primary step in opening your Sacred Heart Consciousness. The Sacred Heart is a valuable creative center that is present within your body in the energetic vortex of the high heart chakra. This chakra is positioned just above your physical heart. The consciousness of the Sacred Heart is vast and provides growth potential that is unprecedented at the 3rd- or 4th-dimensional level.
An easy way to create participation in the consciousness of the Sacred Heart is to sit quietly every day at the same time of day. Place your attention in the High Heart chakra energy. Sit in the energy in silence. Have no expectation of what might occur. Sit and absorb the energy for several moments. This process creates a foundation for the magnificent Sacred Heart consciousness and love to be incorporated into your body, mind, and spirit. When you make yourself available to receive such loving energy, you cultivate a new state of consciousness. You begin to reset the light frequencies of your body. You increase your ability to obtain what you need in any given moment. The Sacred Heart becomes a comfortable place for you to rest and refresh your spirit.
This daily practice is a valuable exercise because it enhances and escalates your ascension process. The Sacred Heart energies facilitate your 4th chakra to slowly open so you can integrate the love of self without the interference of the ego. The ego told you previously that you are superior to others. It also may say to you that you are inferior. The love that emanates from the Sacred Heart consciousness prevents that old pattern from continually taking hold in your body’s consciousness. Do not overlook the value of the Sacred Heart energy if you are a serious participant in the raising of human consciousness.
The Sacred Heart provides an energetic bridge to the higher physical chakra system so that the first eight chakras can function in a complete unified expression. Cultivate a conscious presence in your Sacred Heart daily. This practice facilitates awareness of yourself as a divine expression of the Source of your being. Daily interaction with this consciousness eliminates self-judgment and condemnation. The love that is showered on you continually opens you up to forgive yourself for any errors that you might have participated in previously. Love gives you the courage to continue cultivating more conscious awareness of self even when you uncover old patterns that no longer serve you.
The Sacred Heart Center makes available a consciousness of the Holy Spirit and its valuable presence in your body. The Holy Spirit is a specific aspect of the fuller expression of the unified Divine Source creative energy. The Sacred Heart provides a consciousness of Spirit that affects the transformation of the physical body by expanding the Light frequency that it can hold. When a 3rd-dimensional body can absorb and stably embrace refined light energies, it slowly alters the body’s 3rd-dimensional physical form into a 5th-dimensional vehicle.
Can you see the value of a Sacred Heart consciousness? An open path is available to you. A massive unification process is now in motion. All parts of the physical body must become unified. The alteration of the neurology, as well as the physiology, is taking place now. In this unification process, you can drop your belief in separation consciousness. You can process more the complexities of thought that emanate from the Holy Spirit and the Divine Creative realms. You efficiently receive love for yourself and freely transmit it entirely without reservation.
Everything that you need for your full ascension of body, mind, and spirit is in place. The path that allows the transformation of the physical into a unified expression is available. The element of love and its massive divine expression is available now. There is one question that remains. Will you take the time to receive all that is given to you? The love that is available to you is massive. You cannot fully comprehend the extensiveness of the love that is provided. All that you have to do is be quiet, trust, and receive daily.
Will there be times when the path is bumpy and demanding? Yes, but you have the resources to overcome any challenges that might surface. I will remind you of the beautiful, energetic shield that Archangel Michael created for each one of you to help you on your journey of transformation. This shield contains an abundance of courage that you need. It contains tenacity which enables you to persevere amid any challenge that you experience. The element of love is available in whatever increment that you can receive it.
Call forth the presence of Archangel Michael. Ask for this shield if you have not already requested it. Once received, it is always available for you to use.
Mother Mary
Thank you Joan. A very powerful process. Many Blessings.